Economic Implications of Natural Gas Allocation on the Indian Economy Alok Aditya and Krishna Raj Abstract This paper analyses the economic implications of natural gas allocation on the Indian economy. It explores the optimal priority order for natural gas allocations based on its economic linkages with other sectors. Using input-output modelling, the study assesses the… Continue reading Economic Implications of Natural Gas Allocation on the Indian Economy
The Concept of Human Nature in Chanakya’s Arthashastra and Machiavelli’s The Prince Anil Kumar Vaddiraju Abstract This paper aims to compare the understanding of human nature in Chanakya’s Arthashastra and Machiavelli’s The Prince from the perspective of the Comparative Political Theory. Both these political thinkers belong to varied continents of time and place. While… Continue reading The Concept of Human Nature in Chanakya’s Arthashastra and Machiavelli’s The Prince
Impact of Socioeconomic Factors on Utilisation of Maternal Healthcare: Evidence from Karnataka Sampriti Bhattacharjee, T K Anil Kumar and Krishna Raj Abstract Maternal morbidity and mortality rates are still high among different socio-economic groups and regions in India. Access and utilisation of maternal healthcare services drastically vary among these groups and various factors influence them.… Continue reading Impact of Socioeconomic Factors on Utilisation of MaternalHealthcare: Evidence from Karnataka
India’s Trade in Processed Food Products – Emerging Trends and Challenges Sibin Jerry Thomas and Malini L Tantri Abstract This paper critically examines the dynamics of India’s trade participation in processed foods. The analysis, based on descriptive statistics using the UN COMTRADE database for 2000-2020, indicates that trade in FPI is largely concentrated in developing… Continue reading India’s Trade in Processed Food Products – Emerging Trends and Challenges
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