Institute for Social and Economic Change

Established in 1972 by Professor V K R V Rao, ISEC is an All-India Institute for Interdisciplinary Research and Training in the Social Sciences






  • The proposals shall be invited for Visiting Fellowships twice a year (April and September), depending on availability of funds.
  • Visiting Fellows under SRTT shall be provided financial support to undertake project / study with a budget normally not exceeding Rs.75,000/-. A detailed budget shall be provided along with the proposal. In exceptional cases, however, where need is established, higher funding support may be considered.
  • The applicants shall apply using the prescribed form for the purpose
  • The Fellowship shall normally be for three months. Such fellowships will not cover their salary. It can, however, cover expenditure relating to field work, two return travels to ISEC from place of work / residence, miscellaneous and stationery, board / lodge when visiting ISEC, etc. Proper bills should be submitted against all such expenditures.
  • A meeting of Committee consisting of the following members shall be convened to decide extent of assistance to be provided. The Director, ISEC shall have powers to invite Special Invitee:
    • Director, ISEC (Chairperson)
    • Vice Chairperson of Academic Programme Committee
    • Vice Chairperson of Research Programme Committee
    • Two members nominated by Director
    • Registrar
    • Accounts Officer and
    • Assistant Registrar (Academic) – Convener
  • The proposal shall be sent to internal referee. Upon recommendation of the internal referee for refereeing by the external referee, the same shall be sent to the external referee. If the external referee recommends consideration of the proposal with financial assistance (in case of online study without financial assistance), the Committee shall decide accordingly.
  • The sanctioned amount shall be released in four installments as follows:
    1. 30% after the presentation of Project Initiation Seminar,
    2. 40% after the presentation of Project Completion Seminar,
    3. 15% after the submission of the Draft Project Report, and
    4. 15% after the submission of the Final Project Report.
  • The Visiting Fellows shall present a Project Initiation Seminar in the Institute before commencement of the study and a Project Completion Seminar after the Draft Report is ready.
  • The Visiting Fellows shall submit three copies of the Draft Project Report with a panel of six names to facilitate sending the report for refereeing. The Draft Report has to be finalized in the light of the referees’ comments.
  • Three copies of the Final Project Report and a soft version in a CD should be submitted with due acknowledgement to SRTT for providing the financial support and the Institute for offering the Fellowship. Any publications resulting from the fellowship should duly acknowledge ISEC’s SRTT assistance for the same.
  • The boarding and lodging facilities at ISEC shall be provided on usual charges, subject to availability. No office space shall be provided to Visiting Fellows, however, working space could be provided in the Library in addition to the computer facilities in the computer room.
  1. Application with research proposal shall be received round the year from faculty members of the Institute for collaborative research.
  2. ISEC faculty seeking financial assistance should submit an application along with four copies of their full proposal which includes budget, breakup for collaborative research with institution / university / outside faculty member along with a consent letter from the collaborating partner.
  3. Maximum three faculty members in a year shall be provided financial assistance for capacity building with Rs.1,50,000/- as the maximum limit. Extra expenditure incurred may be mobilized from the other sources of funding.
  4. The proposal shall be scrutinized by the Director, concerned Centre Head, Vice Chairpersons of RPC and APC. The selected proposal shall be sent to one anonymous referee for review and ranking (average, good and excellent). Proposals securing good / excellent grading would be considered for funding by a committee consisting of Director, VCs of RPC and APC, concerned Centre Head, Experts nominated by the Director, Registrar and Accounts Officer.
  5. If sanctioned, the selected faculty shall present a Project Initiation Seminar in the Institute before commencement of the study and a Project Completion Seminar after the Draft Report is ready.
  6. Three copies of the draft report should be submitted to the Director, ISEC, to facilitate refereeing the same. The draft should be finalized in the light of referee’s comments and the inputs from the completion seminar to be presented in the Institute.
  7. Three copies of the Final Project Report and a soft version in a CD should be submitted to the Director, ISEC, with due acknowledgement to SRTT for providing the financial support and the Institute for offering the grant. Any publications resulting from the fellowship should duly acknowledge ISEC’s SRTT assistance for the same.

The Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore in association with the Sir Ratan Tata Trust, Mumbai, invites proposals from scholars to undertake research studies at the Institute for a period not exceeding three months, in the field of social sciences. The research proposal should fit as a capacity building activity for the scholar. The budget should also reflect only the direct costs of the projects and fieldwork expenses. It should fit as a small grant proposal. The Institute will try to reimburse their travel costs twice from their place of residence to Bangalore and back. The scholars selected under the programme are required to present a project initiation seminar before commencement of the study and a completion seminar after the draft report is ready.

The SRTT Visiting Fellowship will be offered to the scholars who undertake research on the following themes.

  • Higher Education
  • Institutional Reform and Governance
  • Alternative Institutional Histories
  • Development and Related Challenges

The proposals are invited round the year: they will however be scrutinised periodically. The proposals, giving details of proposed research work and methodology, time required for completion of the work, detailed budget for the study along with a copy of bio-data and other particulars, may please be sent to the Registrar of the Institute. A soft copy of these documents may also be sent to the

Institute for Social and Economic Change
Dr. VKRV Rao Road

Download Application Form For SRTT Visiting Fellowship

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