Institute for Social and Economic Change

Established in 1972 by Professor V K R V Rao, ISEC is an All-India Institute for Interdisciplinary Research and Training in the Social Sciences

Need for a Study of State Policies towards the Development of Religious Minorities in Karnataka – isec

Need for a Study of State Policies towards the Development of Religious Minorities in Karnataka


The principal objective of the working paper is to present an academic proposition for studying state policies towards the development of religious minorities in Karnataka. It specifies a few demographic details concerning minorities at all India and Karnataka levels. The study discusses perspectives of prominent political scientists who have examined Karnataka as “comparatively cohesive society”, “broadening and deepening democracy”, and “increasing communalisation of society”. The central argument of the working paper is that the state of Karnataka has witnessed a paradigm shift from being a cohesive society to communalisation of politics and society. The findings of various state-appointed committees and commissions are discussed which have identified a host of social, economic, and political challenges faced by minorities in Karnataka. Post reviewing the available literature, a set of research questions and objectives are identified for further in-depth research.

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