Internal Complaints Committee at ISEC
As per the Sexual Harassment of Women in the Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act of 2013, Section 4, an Internal Complaints Committee at ISEC has been set up. The Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) at ISEC has been constituted with the following members.
- Prof. Meenakshi Rajeev, Professor CESP, ISEC, Presiding Officer
- Ms. B P Vani, Associate Professor, CESP, ISEC, Member
- Dr. Channamma Kambara, Assistant Professor, CRUA, Member
- Shri. Sathish Kamath, Systems Analyst, Member
- Ms. K Suma, Selection Grade Assistant, Member
- Smt. Nimisha Kumar, Advocate, Member
- Dr. Vaishnavi Kuppuswamy, Chief Officer Grade 1, Karnataka Municipal Administrative Services, Government of Karnataka, Member
- Ms. Bhuvaneshwari T H, Ph.D Scholar, Member
- Mr. Bikram Barman, Ph.D Scholar, Member
- Ms. Megha Susan Philip, Ph.D Scholar, Member
- To sensitise the ISEC community on gender equity issues through organising sensitivity programmes like seminars, publishing handouts, etc;
- To promote general harmony and prevent discrimination of women and sexual harassment in the Institute by providing practical suggestions to the administration from time to time.
- To deal with any instances of discrimination of women or sexual harassment by an employee or student in respect of any other employee or student of ISEC.