The present study, conducted in a semi-arid region of Karnataka, was meant to understand the various practices of cultivation of tomato in the region. This research has helped in evaluating the socio-economic and ecological impacts of various practices of tomato cultivation in the semi-arid region and provided insights on the best practice for sustainable production of tomato along with livelihood development of the farmers. A set of 7 treatments (T1-T7) were superimposed to different plots in the experimental site where T1 was considered as the control sampling plot. Based on the detailed study on POPs of tomato cultivation and their socio-economic and ecological outcomes the treatment 7 (T7: FYM + RDF + VC + MN + Trichoderma (TD) + Mulching) is considered as the best practice for cultivation of tomato in the study region. It is also suggested that there is a need to organise farmers to go through training progammes for awareness generation for sustainable land use development along with their socio-economic development.