Institute for Social and Economic Change

Established in 1972 by Professor V K R V Rao, ISEC is an All-India Institute for Interdisciplinary Research and Training in the Social Sciences

Wild Edibles of the Male Mahadeshwara Betta (MM Hills) and Potential for Socio-economic Development of Local People – isec

Wild Edibles of the Male Mahadeshwara Betta (MM Hills) and Potential for Socio-economic Development of Local People


Institute for Social and Economic Change

ISEC Golden Jubilee Training Workshop on Wild Edibles of the Male Mahadeshwara Betta (MM Hills) and Potential for Socioeconomic Development of Local People

Field level demonstration cum training workshop on “Wild Edibles of the Male Mahadeshwara Betta (MM Hills) and their potential for the socio-economic development of local people” was organised by Centre for Ecological Economics and Natural Resources (CEENR), Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC), Bengaluru at Kanchalli village, Hanur, Chamrajnagar District on March 08, 2022. This workshop is a part of the research work in MM Hills on “Exploring Wild Edibles of the Male Mahadeshwara Betta (MM Hills) and their potential for the socio-economic development of local people (through scientific and technological interventions)” and funded by SEED Division, Department of Science and Technology (DST), New Delhi. This study aims to examine the wild edible plants (WEP) available in the Male Mahadeshwara (MM Hills) Wildlife 

Sanctuary, their uses and the scope of value addition for livelihood development of local people and sustainable forest management.

Male Mahadeshwara Hills (MM Hills) is a Wildlife Sanctuary located in Western Ghats, Karnataka, India. Wild edibles are found in abundance in MM Hills region, which has immense potential to 

provide nutrition and economic benefits to local people. The region has experienced changes in lifestyles, livelihood shifts, preference towards agricultural crops, etc.. The consequences include a reduction in collection and utilization of wild edibles with increased wastage and erosion of traditional ecological knowledge. It is evident that there is a need for scientific and technological intervention to encourage conservation and sustainable utilization of wild edibles for socioeconomic development of the local people. The workshop aimed to provide onsite training on value addition of wild edible plants to the local people for their livelihood development linking with locally available wild edible plant resources. The workshop also provided a platform to integrate both theoretical and practical knowledge, and exchange ideas among local people, academicians, and resource managers at MM Hills landscape, Chamarajanagar District, Karnataka. Apart from scientific knowledge exchange, it was also an opportunity for the local people to enhance their skills and livelihood from wild edible resources. Scientists from CFTRI Mysore, namely Dr. Iboyaima Singh, Mr. Attar Singh Chauhan, and Dr. Vijayalakshmi M R and CEENR, ISEC, Prof. Sunil Nautiyal and team have given onsite training to the local people on making various the various value-added products locally available resources. Local people have highly appreciated the workshop and shown keen interest to adopt the techniques to increase their income. The machines such as Pulper, Fruit Mill, and Juice extractor were handed over to Suleripalya Gram Panchayat in the presence of all the stakeholders for sustained and effective use. Earlier, a Poly House was constructed in the same village to raise the nursery of wild edible plants to educate and train the local people about the importance of wild edibles. The seedlings/saplings of 12 native species were raised in the nursery and distributed to the local people for growing in their farming field margins/backyard. Professor Sunil Nautiyal, Convenor who had been working in MM hills landscape for last many years informed that the training workshop reflects the field realities, issues, and challenges in problem solving approaches under contemporary debate on environmental conservation. Professor Sunil Nautiyal has mentioned that there is a dire need to contribute to biodiversity conservation alongside the social and economic sustainability of local people depending on natural resources. The field demonstration models elucidate that action-oriented research is an important aspect of the academic activities that balances problem solving actions in collaboration with all the stakeholders including local societies. The program started with a welcome address by Professor D Rajasekhar, Director of ISEC and Professor Sunil Nautiyal, Head of CEENR, ISEC. It was followed by explaining about the workshop by Dr. Umesh Babu M S, Researcher, CEENR, ISEC. Mrs. Meenakshi Negi, IFS, Head CAMPA, Karnataka Forest Department and Mr. Yedukondalu V, IFS, DCF Chamrajnagara addressed the workshop highlighting the importance of forest resource conservation and livelihood development of local communities. The workshop remarks were given by Prof. S. Srikantaswamy, University of Mysore, Dr. R.G. Sharathchandra, Tumakuru University, Dr. Iboyaima Singh, Mr. Attar Singh Chauhan, and Dr. Vijayalakshmi M R from CFTRI, Smt. Chandramma, President and Mr. Suresh PDO from Basappanadoddi Gram Panchayath. More than 200 participants from neighbouring villages along with stakeholders attended the workshop. The institutional participation was from the University of Mysore, Central Food Technological Research Institute (CSIR-CFTRI), Tumakuru University, Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC), Karnataka Forest Department. ISEC is celebrating its Golden Jubilee year and this training workshop was organised as 1st Golden Jubilee Workshop in the MM Hills landscape. The organizers extend sincere gratitude to the SEED Division of Department of Science and Technology (DST), New Delhi, TIFAC, New Delhi and all the stakeholders for their support and participation in the ISEC’s 1st Golden Jubilee field level demonstration cum training workshop.It was followed by explaining about the workshop by Dr. Umesh Babu M S, Researcher, CEENR, ISEC. Mrs. Meenakshi Negi, IFS, Head CAMPA, Karnataka Forest Department and Mr. Yedukondalu V, IFS, DCF Chamrajnagara addressed the workshop highlighting the importance of forest resource conservation and livelihood development of local communities.

The workshop remarks were given by Prof. S. Srikantaswamy, University of Mysore, Dr. R.G. Sharathchandra, Tumakuru University, Dr. Iboyaima Singh, Mr. Attar Singh Chauhan, and Dr. Vijayalakshmi M R from CFTRI, Smt. Chandramma, President and Mr. Suresh PDO from Basappanadoddi Gram Panchayath. More than 200 participants from neighbouring villages along with stakeholders attended the workshop. The institutional participation was from the University of Mysore, Central Food Technological Research Institute (CSIR-CFTRI), Tumakuru University, Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC), Karnataka Forest Department. ISEC is celebrating its Golden Jubilee year and this training workshop was organised as 1st Golden Jubilee Workshop in the MM Hills landscape. The organizers extend sincere gratitude to the SEED Division of Department of Science and Technology (DST), New Delhi, TIFAC, New Delhi and all the stakeholders for their support and participation in the ISEC’s 1st Golden Jubilee field level demonstration cum training workshop.


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