Institute for Social and Economic Change

Established in 1972 by Professor V K R V Rao, ISEC is an All-India Institute for Interdisciplinary Research and Training in the Social Sciences

V Anil Kumar – isec

V Anil Kumar


V. Anil Kumar

Professor and Head, Centre for Political Institutions, Governance and Development (CPIGD)

Key words:
  • Rural governance; Urban governance; Social and Political Theory; Agrarian Change
Areas of Interest
  • Policy Processes
  • Social, Political Theory
  • Federalism, Devolution
  • Agrarian Change
  • Urban and Rural Governance
  • Development Studies
Academic Qualification
  1. Ph.D.: University of Delhi
  2. M. Phil.: University of Delhi
  3. M.A. in Political Science, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Public Policy Briefs
  • Revisiting Bogaram: Liberalisation and Caste in an Indian Village, The Hindu Centre for Politics and Public Policy, September 9th, 2019.
  • The Distress in Rural India, The Hindu Centre for Politics and Public Policy June 20th, 2019.
  1. Karnataka Evaluation Authority(KEA) Study of Bengaluru — Institutions and Governance
  2. Jurgen Habermas and Critique of Ideology
    (Reason, Religion and Modernity)
  3. Modernity and Democracy in India
    (Modernity and Democracy in India: Contexts and Complexities)
  4. Urban Governance and Local Democracy in Tamil Nadu and Kerala.
  1. Governance and Development in Karnataka: One State, Many Worlds (Ed. with D. Jeevan Kumar), New Delhi: Writers Choice Publishers. April, 2024.

  2. Reason, Religion and Modernity: Gadamer-Habermas Debate (Springer Briefs in Philosophy) Singapore: Springer Nature. (Forthcoming, April, 2024)

  3. Politics, Governance and Philosophy, Moldova: Eliva Press, 2022.

  4. Urban Governance and Local Democracy in South India, December 14, 2020, Routledge

  5. Federalism and Local Government in India, New Delhi: Studium Press, 2017.

    • (Reviewed in the Indian Journal of Public Administration, Vol. 65, No.2 4th Sep. 2019.)

  6. Urban Governance in Karnataka and Bengaluru: Global Changes and Local Impacts (Ed) Anil Kumar Vaddiraju, Satyanarayana Sangita and Kala Seetharam Sridhar Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, December 2016.

  7. Sisyphean Efforts? State Policy and Child Labour in Karnataka, with foreword by Professor James Manor, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 2013.

  • (Reviewed in the Journal Social Change)

  1. Peasantry, Capitalism and State: The Political Economy of Agrarian Societies, Newcastle upon TyneCambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013.

  • (Reviewed in [The] Sociological Bulletin Vol. 63, No.2, May-August, 2014)

  1. Decentralised Governance and Planning in Karnataka, IndiaNewcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011 ( With S.N.Sangita).

  1. Institutional Design for Tackling Child Labour Problem, New Delhi: Concept Publishers, (With D.Rajasekhar and K.G.Gayathri Devi), 2011.

  • (Reviewed in Manpower Journal Vol. XLIX Nos 3 & 4, July-December 2015)
  • (Reviewed in NITTE Management Review Vol. 6, Issue.2, December, 2012, pp68-9.)
  • (Reviewed in the Southern Economist, Vol.51, No.9. September 1 ,2012, pp.56-7)
  • (Reviewed in the Journal of Rural Development)
  1. Decentralised Governance and Developmental Politics in South India: A StudyVDM Verlag Dr. Muller, (Germany) 2009.

  2. Drinking Water in Rural Karnataka: Issues and ProblemsVDM Verlag Dr. Muller, (Germany) 2008.

  1. Land, Labour and Caste: Agrarian Change and Grassroots Politics in Andhra PradeshVDM Verlag Dr. Muller, (Germany) 2008.
    1. (Reviewed in [The] Sociological Bulletin Vol. 58, No.3, September-December, 2009)
    2. (Reviewed in the Journal of Social and Economic Development, Vol.14, No.1, January-June,2012)
    3. (Reviewed in the Journal of Social and Economic Development)

Book Chapters

  1. ‘Urban Governance in the Context of Urban “Primacy’: A Comparison of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh’ in D.Rajasekhar (et al) (ed.)(2019) Decentralisation in Contemporary India: Status, Issues and the Way Forward, New Delhi: Routledge.

  2. ‘The Broad-Basing Process and the Backward Classes’ in M.V. Nadkarni( ed.)(November, 2019) Socio- Economic Change and the Broad-Basing Process in India, New Delhi: Routledge.

  3. (With Kala S Sridhar) ‘Introduction’ in Urban Governance in Karnataka and Bengaluru: Global Changes and Local Impacts” (Ed) Anil Kumar Vaddiraju, Satyanarayana Sangita and Kala Seetharam Sridhar Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, December 2016.

  4. With S.N.Sangita,  ‘Political Regimes, Decentralized Governance and Social Security in Southern States’ in G. Palanithurai (ed.), (2014), Decentralization in South Indian States, Chennai, New Delhi, Tirunelveli: MJP Publishers, pp 251-308.

  5. ‘Civil Society and Public Policy’ in Shaji Varkey (ed), (2014) Globalization, State and Governance: A Festschrift Volume in Honor of Professor G. Gopa Kumar, New Delhi: New Century Publications,

  6. ‘Whither Decentralization in India? The Interesting Story of a Nobody’s Child’ in Lancy Lobo, Mrutuyanjaya Sahu and Jayesh Shah( Eds.), (2014), Federalism in India: Towards a Fresh Balance of Power, Jaipur: Rawat Publications.

  7. ‘Urban Governance and Planning in Karnataka’ in R.N.Sharma and R.S.Sandhu (Eds.) (2013) Small Cities and Towns in Global Era: Emerging Changes and Perspectives, New Delhi: Rawat Publications.

  8. ‘Emergence of Backward Castes in South Telangana: Agrarian Change and Grass Roots Politics’ in Surinder S. Jodhka( Ed.) Village Society: Readings on the Economy, Polity and Society, New Delhi: Orient BlackSwan ( With EPW and TISS), 2012.

  9. ‘Political Regimes and Public Policies in South India’ in Harishankar Upadhyaya and Anjani Kumar Malaviya (eds) (2010) Inspiring Winds and Rainbow of Ideas: Essays in Honour of Professor Rajen Harshe, Allahabad: Prayag Pustak Bhavan.

  10. ‘Farmers’ Suicides and Rural Institutions in Andhra Pradesh’ in Prasenjit Maiti (ed)(2008) From Negations to Negotiations: Solving the Puzzles of Development, New Delhi: Pragun Publications, pp 617-640.

  11. ‘Emergence of Backward Castes: Structural Change and Grassroots Politics in South Telengana’. 1999. In Dalits and Peasants: Emerging Caste-Class Dynamics, edited by Ashish Ghosh, New Delhi: Gian Sagar Publishers.


Refereed Articles

    1. ‘Urban Governance in India and China: A Comparative View’ in Indian Public Policy Review Vol 3(2): 43-57, March 2022

    2. ‘Challenges of Urbanisation in South India: Diverse Patterns and Different Trajectories’ in Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics, Vol.19. No. 1, March, 2022.

    3. Anil Kumar Vaddiraju (2021), Book Review, Governing an Indian State: Karnataka in Focus, Indian Journal of Public Administration, Vol.67, Issue.3, Oct.26th 2021.

    4. Vaddiraju, A. K. (2020). District-level Urban Governance Policies in India: Cities of Neglect?. Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics, 17(4).( Fuller version).

    5. ‘Hannah Arendt and Modernity Revisiting The Human Condition’, Indian Journal of Political Science, Vol.LXXX, No.4, October-December, 2019( April,2020) pp 543-550.

    6. ‘District-level Urban Governance Policies in India: Cities of Neglect? ‘ in Urban India: Journal of the National Institute of Urban Affairs, Vol.39 Issue.1, January- June, 2019.

    7. Anil Kumar Vaddiraju and S.Manasi,(2019) ‘E-Governance: Learning from Karnataka’ , in Indian Journal of Public Administration (Sage) Vol. 65, Issue,2, April- June.

    8. ‘Ecology and Proletarianisation: Increasing Need for Attention’, SOCIALSCI JOURNAL VOL 2 (2018).

    9. ‘Agricultural Labour and the Gender Dimension: A Note’, Social Change (SAGE) Vol. 45, No.4 December 2015.

    10. ‘Two steps Forward One Step Back; Decentralisation as a Policy Process in India’ in the  Journal of Social and Economic Development (SPRINGER) Vol. 17, No. 2, October 2015.

    11. ‘Indian State and its Capitalist Growth: Success of Democracy with Multiple Challenges’ in Yin-Wah Chu (ed) Asian Developmental State: Reexaminations and New Departures, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015

    12. ‘Understanding South India: Its Political Regimes and Social Security’, Journal of Social and Economic Development Vol.16 No.2, July-Dec. 2014.

    13. ‘State, New Developmentalism and Political Processes’ in My Society: Bi-annual Refereed Arts Journal of the University of Mysore, Vol VII, No. 1-2, March- August/ September-February, 2013-14( September, 2014).

    14. ‘Economic Reforms and Political Decentralisation in South India: An uneven equation?’ in Man & Development, Vol.XXXVI, No. 1, March, 2014, 41-62.(July, 2014).

    15. ‘On Civil Society, Again: Civil Society, State and Public Policy in South India,’ Studies in Indian Politics (Sage), 2(1),55-66, June, 2014.

    16. Human Development in Uttar Pradesh: Politics and Policies’( With Shyam Singh) in Artha Vijnana, Vol. LIV, No. 4 December, 2012.

    17. Irrigation and Agrarian Change in India: Two Village Studies of Differentiation Without De-peasantization’,in Agrarian South: Journal of Political Economy(Sage publications), Vol. 2, No.2,pp.213-239.

    18. Agrarian Change in India: A Case Study’ mySOCIETY: Biannual Refereed Arts Journal of the University of Mysore, VI (1-2), 2011, 1-26.( Published in July,2013).

    19. ‘Gramsci and Freire: Bridging the Divide in Indian Context’ in My Society: Biannual Refereed Arts Journal of the University of Mysore, Vol.V, Issue. No.1-2, March- September, 2010 (Nov. 2012) pp82-89.

    20. ‘Federalism Yes, What About Decentralisation? Politics and Governance in Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu’ Journal of Polity and Society, Vol. 4. No.1,pp 28-50, January-June 2011(Published in April 2012).

    21. ‘Speaking Truth to Power? Civil Society and Policy Advocacy in India’ in the Journal of Asian Public Policy (T&F Routledge, London) Vol. 5.No.1, March,2012.

    22. ‘Interpreting the World in a World of Interpretation’, MySociety: Biannual Refereed Arts Journal of the University of Mysore, Vol 1-4, March-September, 2008-9(Published in August 2011) pp195-199.

    23. ‘Rights-Based Approaches to Poverty Alleviation and Social Development in India’, Journal of Parliamentary Studies, Vol.2 No.1, Jan-June 2011.

    24. ‘Political Sociology of Democratic Decentralisation in India’ Journal of Polity and Society, Vol.3.No.1, January-June 2010, pp 41-53.
  • ‘Popular Participation in Primary Education in Rural Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh’ (2009) [The] Journal of Karnataka Studies, Vol.3.No.2&Vol.4.No.I pp 71-85.
  • ‘Social Power and Political Movements: The Quest for Rights’ in [The] Indian Journal of Political Science, Vol LXX, No.4, Oct-Dec, 2009, pp983-992.
  • ‘Comparing Rural Decentralisation Across Indian States: Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh’  [The] Indian Journal of Political Science, Vol.LXX. No.1, Jan-March, 2009, pp21-30.
  • With Shyam Singh, ‘State, Social Security and Economic Reforms in India’, (2009) [The] Journal of Polity and Society, Vol. 2 No. 1 January-June 2009, pp 75-87.
  • Policy Processes and Policy Advocacy’. in the  Indian Social Science Review: A Multidisciplinary  Journal of Indian Council of Social Science Research, Vol.7, No.2. pp135-154.

Articles in Economic and Political Weekly

  1. Book Review: “Decentralisation, Development and ‘Elite Capture’”, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol LVI No. 20, May 15, 2020, pp 24-25.
  2. ‘Modernity and Democracy in India: Superimposition on a Thin Economic Base’, Economic & Political Weekly, Vol LVI, No.17, April 24, 2021, pp15-18.
  3. ‘The Mandal System in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh’,  Economic and Political Weekly, Vol  LV No. 12, March 21, 2020, pp 26-30.
  4. ‘Urban Governance and Right to the City’, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol.L1, No.32, August 6, 2016, pp 21-23. .
  5. ‘A Tale of Many Cities: Governance and Planning in Karnataka’, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol.XLVIII, No.2, January,13, 2013, pp 66-9.
  6. ‘State, Civil Society and the Eradication of Child Labour in Karnataka’ Economic and Political Weekly,Vo.XLVI No.3, January 15, 2011.
  7. ‘Inequality and Exclusion: As If the System Mattered’ Economic and Political Weekly, Vol.XLVI,Nos. 44&45, November 5th, 2011, pp21-23.
  8. Discussion Note: ‘Why Telengana? Why Now?’ in Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. XLII, No.9, 3rd March, 2007, pp 790-791.
  9. With Shagun Mehrotra. 2004. ‘Making Panchayats Accountable’. Economic and Political Weekly 39(37): 4139-4141.
  10. ‘Emergence of Backward Castes in South Telengana: Agrarian Change and Grass Roots Politics’. 1999. Special Article, Economic and Political Weekly, 34(7): 425-430.


  1. ‘Word Wars’ in Economic & Political Weekly Vol L No.43, October 24th, 2015.

  2. ‘Learning to Read, Reading to Know’ in Economic & Political Weekly, Vol. LI No.5 January 30,2016.

  1. The Concept of Human Nature in Chanakya’s Arthashastra and Machiavelli’s The Prince
  2. Urbanisation and Governance in Tamil Nadu and Kerala: Aspects of Service Delivery, ISEC Working Paper-568, Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bengaluru: ISEC, December 2023.
  3. Requiem to Enlightenment? Gadamer and Habermas on Tradition, Religion, Secularism and Post-Secularism, ISEC Working Paper-553, Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bengaluru: ISEC, January 2023.
  4. TATA Motors Singur: Narratives of Development Projects, Politics and Land Acquisition in West Bengal, (with Pallav Karmakar) ISEC Working Paper-530, Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bengaluru: ISEC, January 2022.
  5. ‘The Nation and its Historical Mediations: Towards Typologies of Regions/ States’, ISEC Working Paper-471 Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bengaluru: ISEC, January 2020.
  6. ‘Urban Governance in the Context of Urban ‘Primacy’: A Comparison of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh’, ISEC Working Paper-466, Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore, December, 2019.
  7. ‘From E-Governance to Digitisation: Some Reflections and Concerns’ (With Dr.S.Manasi) ISEC Working Paper-404, Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bengaluru: ISEC, December,2017.
  8. ‘Hannah Arendt and Modernity: Revisiting the work The Human Condition ISEC Working Paper-403, Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore, October, 2017.
  9. ‘Politics in the State of Telangana: Identity, Representation and Democracy’, ISEC Working Paper-397, Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bengaluru, August, 2017.
  10. ‘Federalism and Formation of States in India’ (with Susanta Kumar Naik) ISEC Working Paper-378,  Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bengaluru, 2016.
  11. ‘Civil Society and Policy Advocacy in India’ ISEC Working Paper-283, Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore, March, 2012.
  12. ‘Politics and Public Policies: Politics of Human Development in Uttar Pradesh, India’ (with Shyam Singh), ISEC Working Paper-287, Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore, July, 2012.
  13. ‘Vocational Education and Child Labour in Bidar, Karnataka, India’ ISEC Working Paper-286, Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore, June, 2012,.
  14. ‘Conflicting Truths and Contrasting Realities: Are Official Statistics on Agrarian Change Reliable?’,  ISEC Working Paper-263,  Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore, 2011.
  15. ‘Federalism and Decentralisation in India: Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu’. 2009. ISEC Working Paper:208.  Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore.

Non-Refereed Articles

  1. ‘Cultures of Governance and Conflict Resolution’ in [The] Indian Journal of Human Rights and Social Justice, Vol 4 Nos.1&2 Jan- Dec, 2009, pp225-231.
  2. ‘Revisiting Indian Federalism in the Context of Economic Reforms’ [The] Indian Journal of Federal StudiesNo.1,2009 pp41-46,  Published by the Centre for Federal Studies, New Delhi.
  3. ‘Governance Where Children Matter: NGO-GO Partnerships in Eradicating Child Labour in Karnataka’ Participation and Governance, Vol 2, No.1, January, 2009, pp 34-46.
  4. ‘Administrative Decentralisation and Development in a Complex Democracy’,  Think India Quarterly, Vol. 11. No. 2, April-June 2008, pp 60-79.
  5. ‘Government–NGO Partnerships and Beyond: The Experience of Child Labour Eradication Project in Karnataka’, The Indian Journal of Public Administration, October- December, 2007, Vol.LIII, No.4,pp.842-853.
  6. ‘Rationing Rights and Pricing Commodities-Right to Drinking Water: A Conceptual Exploration’ Think India Quarterly Vol.10, No.4.October-December, 2007, pp72-96.
  7. ‘Decentralisation as a Policy Process in India’ in [on 12th December, 2007].
  8. Discussion Note: ‘Suicides by Cotton Farmers in Andhra Pradesh’ in [on 26th March,2007].
  9. ‘Gramsci and Freire: Bridging the Divide in Indian Context: An Exploratory Essay’ in [ 8th November, 2006].
  10. ‘Irrigation,Agrarian Change and Local Politics in South Telengana, 1960-1996’ in [17th January, 2006].
  11. ‘Farmers’ Suicides in Andhra Pradesh: The Response of Rural Political Institutions’. 2005. Governance and Policy Spaces Project Working Paper: 3. Hyderabad: Centre for Economic and Social Studies.
  12. With Venkatesham Cheruku and Savita Kodali. 2002. ‘Primary Formal Education and Panchayats: Experience of Andhra Pradesh’. Participation & Governance 8(25): 28-30.
  13. ‘Panchayati Raj Institutions and Janmabhoomi in Andhra Pradesh’. 2001. Participation & Governance 7(21): 6-9.
  14. In Telugu language. ‘Shramikeekarana‘. 1994. In Telugu, Telugu Academy Journal (Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh) 8, (3): 42-48.
  15. ‘Dual State Process and Multiple Popular Processes: Grassroots Movements and Democracy’. 1992. In Teaching Politics 18, (2): 23-33.
  1. Jurgen Habermas and Critique of Ideology
  2. ‘Urban Governance and Local Democracy in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh’ ( Telangana and Andhra Pradesh)
  3. ‘Urban Governance, Policy and Planning in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh’ (Telangana and Andhra Pradesh).
  4. ‘A Philosophy of Action: Hannah Arendt and Modernity’.
  5. Political Regimes, Governance and Social Security in Four Southern States (With Professor S.N.Sangita)
  6. Child Labour Survey at Havery District
  7. Urban Governance and Planning in Karnataka
  8. Civil Society and Governance in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh
  9. Independent (decentralised) Budgeting and Planning at the District Level
  10. Economic Reforms and Political Decentralisation: A Comparative Study of Some Selected Indian States During Post-Reform Period
  11. Institutional Design for Elimination of Child Labour in Karnataka: A Study of State Initiatives of Eradication of Child Labour in Karnataka
  12. Drinking Water Supply and Rural Institutions in Karnataka: A Study from Rights Perspective

Published Reports

  1. With K.Srinivasulu and K.S.Vijayasekhar. 2004. ‘Proceedings of the Workshop on Crisis in Handloom Sector in Andhra Pradesh: The Ways Forward’. Governance and Policy Spaces Project Work Shop Proceedings: 1, Hyderabad: Centre for Economic and Social Studies.
  2. Report of the Grassroots Politics colloquium of the Department of Political Science, University of Delhi. 1995. ‘Development Programmes and Peoples’ Responses.’ In Neera Chandhoke and Ashish Ghosh (eds) Grassroots Movements and Social Change, University of Delhi: Developing Countries Research Centre (DCRC).
  1. ‘Need to Revisit “Karnataka Development Model” ‘ in Deccan Herald,  11th February 2019.

  2. ‘Understanding Rural Crisis: It’s Complicated’ in Deccan Herald, 5th January  2019.

  3. ‘An Illiberal Democracy’ in Deccan Herald 3rd August  ,2018.

  4. Reconcile different ‘truths’ Asheesh Navneet and V Anil Kumar,  Deccan Herald, 17th Aug  2017.

  5. Better governance in district-level cities key’ ,V Anil Kumar,  Deccan Herald, 11th Aug  2017

  6. Urban crisis: better policies vital’, V Anil Kumar, Deccan Herald, Jul 13 2017.

  7. (Review Article) ‘The twin guide to Telangana’ the Financial Express, 12th of September, 2010.

  8. ‘A tectonic shift in Telangana’ in the Indian Express, 4th of August, 2010.

  9. ‘It’s More about Telangana Identity than Development’ Deccan Herald, 24th of February, 2010.

  10. ‘A Universal Paradox: Can Market Economy Become Inclusive?’ The Hindu, 9th of February, 2010.

  • Modernity and Democracy in India’, at the Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore, on 8th of January, 2021
  • ‘Historical Mediationism: On Region and Nation in Indian Polity’ at the Institute for Social and Economic Change, on 4th January, 2017.
  • ‘History and Alienation: Hannah Arendt on Modernity’, at the Institute for Social and Economic Change, on 15th September, 2016,
  • ‘History and Alienation: Hannah Arendt on Modernity’  presented at the Institute for Social and Economic Change on 15th September, 2016.
  • ‘Ecology and Proletarianisation: Increasing need for attention?’ presented at the Institute for Social and Economic Change on 30th March, 2016.
  • ‘Challenging Modernity: On Not Being Europe’s Other’ presented at the Institute for Social and Economic Change on 26th of December, 2014.
  • ‘Right to the City: Issues of Governance’ presented at the Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore, India, on 15th November, 2013.
Presentations in Seminars and Conferences

1.Modernity and Democracy in India

in the International Conference of the Jindal Centre for Global South, during 16-18th of December 2020. (Received Best Paper Award)

2. Challenges of Urbanization in South India: Diverse Patterns and Different Trajectories

in the Annual Conference of the Indian Association of Social Science Institutions, held during 27th-29th February, 2020, by IASSI and ISEC at ISEC.

Hannah Arendt and Modernity Revisiting the work “The Human Condition”

in the session ‘Global Problems in Digital Age’ in European Political Science Association( EPSA) Annual General Conference, 2019, at Belfast, Norther Ireland, UK during 20th to 22nd June, 2019.

4. Region and Nation in India’

Presented in the National Seminar on ‘Regions and the Centre: Emerging Dynamics of Federal India Since the 1990s’ during 9th to 11th October, 2018 at the Indian Institute of Advanced Study( IIAS) Shimla.

5. ‘Urban Governance in the Context of Urban ‘Primacy’: A Comparison of Karnataka, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh’

Presented in the seminar on ‘ 25 Years of Decentralized Governance in India: Status, Issues and Way Forward’ held at the Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bengaluru, during 28th to 30th August, 2018.

6.‘Broad basing the Backward Classes’

Presented at the national seminar on Development Convention 2018 — India at Seventy: New Development Challenge, 24th to 25th April,2018 organized by the ISEC at the Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bengaluru.

7.‘Understanding Rural Communities in India Today’

Presented at the three day National Workshop on Study of Indian Politics: Methodological Issues organized by the Department of Political Science, Osmania University. Hyderabad, during, 27th to 29th March, 2018.

8.‘E-Governance: Some Challenges’

Presented at the Seminar on Decentralized Governance and Planning in India, organized in Honour of Professor Abdul Aziz, by National Law School of India University, Bengaluru, during 2nd Decmeber, 2017,

9.‘Decline of a Dominant Caste: Revisiting Bogaram Village’

Presented at the International seminar on Change and Mobility in Contemporary India: Thinking M.N.Srinivas Today organised by the Centre for Studies in Social Change and Development , ISEC, during 29th to 30th August, 2017 at the Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bengaluru.

‘Politics in the State of Telangana: Identity, Representation and Democracy’

Presented at the two day National Seminar on State Division, New Governments and Policy Regimes organized by the Department of Political Science, Osmania University, Hyderabad during 22nd to 23rd March, 2017

11.‘Politics in the State of Telangana: Identity, Representation and Democracy’

Presented at the International seminar on State Politics, Governance and Development in India Organized jointly by Hiroshima University, Japan and Centre for Decentralization and Development, at the Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bengaluru, during 27th to 28th December, 2016.

‘Urban Governance in India and China: A Comparative View’

Presented at the international seminar on India, China and the New World Order: Economic, Social, Political and Cultural Dimensions as a part of collaborative research activities between Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC) Bengaluru, and Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences (SASS) during November 21-22, 2016.

13.Participated in the  Workshop on Rural Transformation: Possibilities, Prospects and Challenges’ during 21-22nd March, 2016 at the TaTa Institute of Social Sciences, Hyderabad, Telangana

What Makes Urban Governance Work? A Tale of Two Cities’

at the Seminar on ‘Issues in Local Self- Governance’ at Nabkrushna Choudhury Centre for Development Studies, Bubaneshwar, Orissa, during 29th of March, 2014.

Participated in the Seminar on “Emergence of States as the Centre of Indian Politics” in Jain University, Bangalore, during 20th and 21st March 2014, chairing a session.

‘Right to the City: Emerging Urban Political Economy in India’

at the Seminar on ‘India’s Political Economy in Transition’ at Department of Political Science, University of Goa during 21st to 22nd December, 2013.

‘Capitalism, Civil Society and Freedom: Notes on South Indian Society’

at the two day UGC-SAP national seminar on ‘Globalisation, Development and Civil Society’ held by the Department of Political Science, University of Kerala during 27th-28th September,2012, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India.

‘Whither Decentralisation in India? The Interesting Story of a Nobody’s Child’

at the two days seminar on “ Indian Federalism: Intergovernmental Relations Revisited: Towards a Fresh Balance of Power” held during 24th-25th of August,2012 by the Centre for Culture and Development (, Vadodara, Gujarat,India.

‘Economic Reforms and Political Decentralisation: A Comparison of Four South Indian States during the Post-Reform Period’

at the two-day national policy conference on ‘Social Exclusion in India: Self-Governance, Development Politics and Autonomy Movements’, during August 22nd and 23rd, 2012, at the University of Mysore, Mysore, Karnataka,India.

20. ‘Civil Society, Governance and Public Policy in Two South Indian States, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh’

at the 22nd World Congress of Political Science conducted by the International Political Science Association( IPSA) during 8-12th of July, 2012. The theme of the Congress was ‘Reshaping Power and Shifting Boundaries’, held at Madrid, Spain in the session, ‘Bureaucracy and Public Policy: Reshaping Power and Authority in Developing Countries’.

‘Conditions of Existence and Exclusion of Child Labour in Karnataka’

at the national seminar on ‘Politics in India With Special Reference to Social Exclusion’ conducted by the Department of Studies in Political Science, University of Mysore, Mysore during 28th-29th February,2012.

‘Civil Society and Public Policy’

at the two day national seminar on ‘Democracy and Civil Society’ held by the Centre for Gandhian Studies, Alphonsa College, Pala, Kerala during 7th-8th of February, 2012.

23. ‘Civil Society and Citizenship: A Different Perspective’

at the seminar on ‘Citizenship, the State and Expanding the Boundaries of Democracy’ at the ISEC during 28th of December, 2011.

‘State Child Labour Project in Karnataka: Lessons from Evaluation’

two-day Seminar on Eradication of Bonded Labour and Child Labour in Karnataka, 17-18 December 2011, Department of Labour, Department of RDPR and Human Rights Commission, Vikasa Soudha, Bangalore, Karnataka.

‘State, New Developmentalism and Political Processes’

at the seminar on ‘Neo-Liberal State and Its Challenges’, 20-21 December,2011, Omeo Kumar Das Institute of Social Change and Development, Guwahati, Assam.

26. ‘Urban Governance and Planning in Karnataka’

at the national seminar on ‘Small Cities and Towns in Global Era:Emerging Changes and Perspectives’ held by the Centre for Development Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai during 29th to 30th August,2011.

27. ‘Inequality and Exclusion’

at the International Seminar on ‘Social Exclusion: Meanings and Perspectives’ held by the Centre for the Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, during 23rd to 25th of March 2011.

‘Rights-based Approaches to Poverty Alleviation and Social Development’

at the Fifth Annual International Conference on Public Policy and Management,titled ‘Beyond the Macroeconomic Crisis- Towards Inclusive Growth and Sustainability’ organized by the Centre for Public Policy (CPP), Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Bangalore during 8th -11th August, 2010.

29. ‘Going to the Roots: Governance Problems in Poverty Alleviation Programmes in India’

at the International Conference on ‘Governing the Asian Giants: The Search for Good Governance and Sustainable Development in China and India’ Organized by the Centre for Governance and Citizenship,The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong;The University of Hong Kong and The University of Oslo during 29th -30th March 2010, at Hong Kong.

30. ‘Political Sociology of Democratic Decentralisation in India’

at the two day national seminar on ‘Political Processes and Governance in India: Toward a New Paradigm’ organised by V.K.Sukumaran Nayar Chair for Parliamentary Affairs, Department of Political Science, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram during 28th-29th January, 2010.

31. ‘Politics and Public Policies: Politics of Human Development in Uttar Pradesh, India’

Paper co-authored with Mr. Shyam Singh and presented at the Fourth Annual International Conference on Public Policy and Management, organized by the Centre for Public Policy (CPP), Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Bangalore during 9th -12th August, 2009.

32. ‘State, Civil Society and the Dilemmas of “Mainstreaming” Child Labourers in Karnataka’

at the International Seminar on ‘Childhoods and Children’s’ Rights’ Conducted under the aegis of United Kingdom and India Education Research Initiative(UKIERI) by Lokniti/CSDS, New Delhi during November 10-11, 2008.

33. ‘Revisiting Indian Federalism in the Context of Economic Reforms’

at the national Seminar on ‘Political Regimes in Indian States: Parties, Social Bases and Public Policies’ organized by the Centre for Advanced Study in Political Science by the Department of Political Science, Osmania University, Hyderabad during  27th to 29th March, 2008.

34. ‘Decentralisation as a Policy Process in India’

at the seminar on ‘Development through Planning, Market or Decentralisation? Organised by the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Mumbai, India during January 21-23, 2008, Bombay, Mumbai,

35. ‘Rationing Rights and Pricing Commodities: Right to Drinking Water: A Conceptual Exploration’

at the  International seminar organized by SACIWATERS( South Asia Consortium for Inter-disciplinary Water Studies), Hyderabad, in association with the Centre for Water Resources, Anna University Chennai. The title of the Seminar was ‘South Asia Water Conference’ on ‘Water Access and Conflicts: Implications for Governance in South Asia’ during 21st to 22nd March 2007.

36. ‘Administrative Decentralisation and Development’

in a national Seminar at Thiruvananthapuram on Democracy, Decentralisation and Participatory Development: Decentralised Governance in Kerala, a Decade and Beyond’ Conducted by the Department of Political Science, University of Kerala during 24th to 25th  of April 2007.

  1. Member, International Political Science Association (IPSA) 2024-2026 (
  2. Member, Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism (ASEN), UK, (2021-22)
  3. Member, International Political Science Association (IPSA) (2020-2022)
  4. Member, International Political Science Association (IPSA) (2019-2020)
  5. Member, European Political Science Association( EPSA) (2019-2020)
  6. Member, International Political Science Association (IPSA) (2016-2018)
  7. Member, International Political Science Association (IPSA) (2012-13)
  8. Member Editorial Board, International Journal of Social and Economic Research
  9. Member, National Observatory for Anthropological Research (NOAR), Karnataka, India
  10. Member, SAARC Forum of Social Scientists
  11. Life Member, Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA)
  12. Life Member, Indian Political Science Association (IPSA)
  13. Life Member, Indian Sociological Society
  14. Life Member, Indian Political Economy Association (IPEA)

Dr. V Anil Kumar
Professor and Head
Centre for Political Institutions, Governance and Development
Institute for Social and Economic Change
Nagarabhavi P.O. BANGALORE-560072, India
Tel : Office  080-23215468, 23215519
Fax : 080-23217008

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