Institute for Social and Economic Change

Established in 1972 by Professor V K R V Rao, ISEC is an All-India Institute for Interdisciplinary Research and Training in the Social Sciences

Sunil Nautiyal – isec

Sunil Nautiyal


Sunil Nautiyal 

Google Scholar

Professor, Centre for Ecological Economics and Natural Resources (CEENR) (on Deputation)

Area of Specialisation

Natural resource management and conservation;

Socio-economic and ecological approaches for sustainable development;

Production system analysis; Protected Area Management;

Land use land cover change analysis; Sustainable livelihood development; Ecological Modeling;

GIS and Remote Sensing in landscape analysis;

Climate Change and Socio-Ecological Development

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Academic Qualification

PhD in Botany (Specialization: Ecology) H.N.B. Garhwal University, Srinagar – Garhwal 246 174, Uttarakhand India (Submitted: 15 June 1998; Awarded: 29 Nov 1999). Ph.D. work was carried out in G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development, Garhwal Unit, Srinagar Garhwal (An Autonomous Institute of Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of India).

PhD Thesis Title: Ecosystem function of buffer zone villages of Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve, India (Thesis Summary)

MSc (Botany, Specialization: Ecology) H.N.B. Garhwal University, Srinagar – Garhwal 246 174, Uttarakhand India (1993).

Professional Recognitions, Awards, Fellowships Received

Nautiyal Sunil. Received Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Fellowship Award to do Post doc research at Center for Spatial Information Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan in 2003 for 2 years.

Nautiyal Sunil. Received Humboldt Fellowship Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany to work at Leibniz-Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Institute of Socio-Economics, Muencheberg, Germany in 2006 for 2 years.

Nautiyal Sunil. Nominated for one of the best researchers of the year 2007 at Leibniz-Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Eberswalder Str. 84, Muencheberg, 15374, Germany for research publications (Value of the award was Euro 2250/-).

Nautiyal Sunil. Honoured as Fellow (ZALF Fellow) by Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research, Germany (2014- onwards).

Nautiyal Sunil. Visiting Scientist, at Centre for Environmental System Research, University of Kassel, Germany, with support from Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany, 1.12.2010 – 28.1.2011 and 1.5.2013 – 30.6.2013.

Nautiyal Sunil. Received Humboldt Kolleg Grant to Commemorate 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Federal Republic of Germany and India.

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany has recognized Prof. Sunil Nautiyal (CEENR, ISEC) for supervising German Research Fellows under Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany.


Nautiyal Sunil

. Certificate of Excellence on Outstanding Contribution to Ecology and Election as Fellow in 2018 of National Institute of Ecology (NIE).

Nautiyal Sunil. Aawarded Platinum Jubilee Award Lecture for Environmental Science Section of 106th Indian Science Congress held in LPU Jalandhar from 3rd to 7th January 2019, which was inaugurated by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India.

Prof. Sunil Nautiyal is ranked in the list of top three scientists at the national level among all the research institutions (ICSSR, Govt. of India) for the research publications/citations/h-index for the period 2011-2020. 


1. Nautiyal Sunil; Goswami Mrinalini, Shivakumar Puneeth (2021). Field Margin Vegetation and Socio-Ecological Environment: Structural, Functional and Spatio-temporal Dynamics in Rural-urban Interface of Bengaluru, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, ISBN 978-3-030-69200-1, XX, 169

2. Roy N, Roychoudhury S, Nautiyal Sunil, Agarwal SK, Baksi S (2020). Socio-economic and Eco-biological Dimensions in Resource use and Conservation: Strategies for Sustainability. Springer International Publishing Switzerland, ISBN 978-3-030-32462-9 , 553pp+xi.

3. Nautiyal Sunil, Schaldach, R., Raju KV, Kaechele, H., Pritchard B., Rao. KS (2016). Climate Change Challenge (3C) and Social-Economic-Ecological Interface-Building. Springer International Publishing Switzerland ISBN 978-3-319-31013-8, 639pp+x.

4. Nautiyal Sunil, Bhaskar K., Khan YDI (2015) Biodiversity of Semi-Arid Landscape: Baseline study for understanding the impact of human development on ecosystems. Springer International Publishing Switzerland, ISBN: 978-3-319-15463-3. 398+xxii.

5. Raju, KV, Manasi, S., Nautiyal Sunil, Rashmi KP (2015). People and the Peepal: Cultural attitudes to sacred trees and their conservation in urban areas. Partridge Publication. ISBN: 978-1-4828-5876-1.

6. Nautiyal Sunil, Varsha, NP, Mannam S. Rajasekaran C. (2015). Ethnobotany and Conservation of Medicinal Plants through Scientific and Technological Interventions: A case study from BRTTR, Karnataka. ISEC Monograph No. 41. ISBN: 81-7791-140-6.

7. Nautiyal Sunil, Manasi, S., Babu, M.S.U, Rao, K.S. (2015). Study on the Production and Profitability of Pulses and Beans in India – A Case Study of Karnataka. Institute for Social and Economic Change Monograph No. 37 ISBN:81-7791-136-8.

8. Raju, K.V., Manasi, S., Nautiyal Sunil, Rashmi, K.P. (2015). Conservation through culture in urban ecosystems: A case study from Bangalore, India. Institute for Social and Economic Change Monograph No. 36 ISBN:81-7791-135-X.

9. Nautiyal Sunil, Rao, KS, Kaechele H. Raju, KV and Schaldach R. Eds. (2013). Knowledge Systems of Societies for Adaptation and Mitigation of Impacts of Climate Change, Environmental Science and Engineering, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-36143-2_1, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN: 978-3-642-36142-5. 724pp.

10. Nautiyal Sunil and Manasi, S. (2014). Evaluation of Western Ghats Development Programmes (WGDP) and policy recommendations : A Case Study from Karnataka. Institute for Social and Economic Change Monograph No. 33 (ISBN 81-7791-132-5).

11. Nautiyal Sunil, Babu, MS., Nayak B.P. (2012). Public Expenditure and Strategies for Sustainable Management of Environment and Forest Ecosystems in Karnataka, Institute for Social and Economic Change Monograph 27 (ISBN 81-7791-126-0).

12. Nautiyal Sunil. (2011). Development of rural and peri-urban landscapes: Socioeconomic and ecological perspectives of urbanization in India (2011), Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany.

13. Nautiyal Sunil and Nayak B. (Eds) (2010). Ecological Economics: An Approach towards Socioeconomic and Environmental Sustainability (2010). ISEC and NIE publication, July 2010; 383 pp.

14. Nautiyal Sunil and Nayak B. (Eds). (2009). Climate Change: Data Requirement and Availability (2009). Sunil Nautiyal and Bibhu P. Nayak (Eds), ISEC and Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation Govt. of India publication, 188 pp.

15. Nautiyal Sunil with RK Maikhuri and KS Rao (2001), Traditional agro-technologies of medicinal plants in Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve – Second Edition (Nanda Devi Jaivmandal Arakshit Kshetra Mein Aushadhiya Padapon ki Paramparagat Krishi Takneek). G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development, Kosi-Katarmal, Almora – 263 643, UA. India.

16. Nautiyal Sunil with RK Maikhuri and KS Rao (2001). Suggestions for sustainable utilization and management of natural resources in Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve- A World Heritage Site (Vishwa Dharohar Sthal (World Heritage Site) Nanda Devi Jaivmandal Arakshit Kshetra mein Prakritik Sansadhano ke Satat Upyog evam Prabandhan hetu Sujhao). G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development, Kosi-Katarmal, Almora – 263 643, U.P. India.

17. Nautiyal Sunil with RK Maikhuri and KS Rao (2001).Improvement in fertility of barren land: research experiences from Uttaranchal Himalaya (Banjar Bhumi Ki Upjaau Kshmta mein Sudhar: Uttaranchal Himalaya mein Sodh ke Anubhav). G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development, Kosi-Katarmal, Almora – 263 643, UA. India.

1. Nautiyal Sunil and Goswami, M (2022). Role of traditional ecological knowledge on field margin vegetation in sustainable development: a study in a rural-urban interface.
Trees Forests and People.
2. David Bernal Hoyo, Omar Felipe Giraldo, Peter M. Rosset, Oliver López Corona, Julian Perez Cassarino & Sunil Nautiyal (2022): Building an agroecological model to understand the effects of agrochemical subsidies on farmer decisions, Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems,

3. Y.D. Imran Khan, Meenakshi Negi, Sunil Nautiyal, Melally G Venkatesha (2022). Herpetofaunal diversity in Chitradurga district, Karnataka: A Semi-Arid Landscape in Southern India. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences. 48(1): 39-50.

4. Rao, K. S., Semwal, R. L., Ghoshal, S., Maikhuri, R. K., Nautiyal, Sunil and Saxena, K. G. (2022). Participatory active restoration of communal forests in temperate Himalaya, India. Restoration Ecology, e13486. 30, no. 1 (2022): e13486. doi: 10.1111/rec.13486.

5. Prakash, S., Goswami, M., Khan, Y. D. I., and Nautiyal, Sunil (2021). Environmental impact of COVID-19 led lockdown: A satellite data-based assessment of air quality in Indian megacities. Urban Climate, 38, 100900.

6. Nautiyal Sunil with Mrinalini Goswami, PJ Goswami, and Satya Prakash (2021) Challenges and Actions to the Environmental Management of Bio-Medical Waste during COVID-19 Pandemic in India. Heliyon (Elsevier) Heliyon, e06313 (1-13)

7. Biswas Sneha and Nautiyal Sunil (2021). An assessment of socio-economic vulnerability at the household level: a study on villages of the Indian Sundarbans. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 23, pages11120–11137

8. Nautiyal Sunil, Goswami M, Rao RR, Hoffmann, E, Buerkert, A. (2020). Structure and composition of field margin vegetation in the rural-urban interface of Bengaluru, India: a case study on an unexplored dimension of agroecosystems. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (192 (8), 1-16) (Springer International) (July 2020).

9. Astor Thomas, Dayananda Supriya, Nautiyal Sunil, Wachendorf Michael (2020). Vegetable Crop Biomass Estimation Using Hyperspectral and RGB 3D UAV Data , Agronomy 10 (10), 1-16; doi:10.3390/agronomy10101600 (MDPI).

10. Roy Niranjan, Debnath Avijit, Nautiyal Sunil (2020). Understanding climate change in terms of rainfall fluctuations and status of agricultural productivity in Northeastern states of India, Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 26 (3): 1175-1183.

11. Rajasekaran, C, Nautiyal Sunil and Thiagarajan K. 2020. Conservation through cultivation by simple cost effective rural biotechnology tools on medicinal and aromatic plants. In: Science and Technology Applications in Rural Areas; PP: 130-142. UCOST, Dehradun. 978-81-944874-0-1.

12. Nautiyal Sunil, Goswami M, Rao RR, Hoffmann, E, Buerkert, A. (2020). Structure and composition of field margin vegetation in the rural-urban interface of Bengaluru, India: a case study on an unexplored dimension of agroecosystems. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (192 (8), 1-16) (Springer)

13. Goswami M, Nautiyal Sunil, Manasi S (2020) Drivers and consequences of biophysical landscape change in a peri-urban–rural interface of Guwahati, Assam. Environment, Development and Sustainability 22 (2): 791-811. (Springer)

14. Goswami, M, Puneeth S, Bhatt RC, Nautiyal Sunil (2020). Breathing Fresh: Insights to Positive Externalities of COVID-19 Lockdown in Indian Megacities. Journal of Human Ecology (71 (1-3), 81-91) . (KRE Publishers)

15. Nautiyal Sunil, Kaechele H, Babu MU, Khan YDI (2020). Avian conservation under two management regimes: a case study from the viewpoint of governance and social dimension. Environment Systems and Decisions, 40(1):148-169.

16.. Hinz R, Sulser TB, Huefner R, Mason – D’Croz D, Dunston S, Nautiyal Sunil, Schuengel J, Tikhile P, Wimmer F, Schaldach R (2020) Agricultural development and land use change in India: A scenario analysis of trade‐offs between UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Earth’s Future 8(2):e2019EF001287 (1-19).

17. Dayananda S, Astor T, Wijesingha J, Thimappa SC, Chowdappa HD, Nidamanuri RR, Nautiyal Sunil, Wachendorf M (2019) Multi-Temporal Monsoon Crop Biomass Estimation Using Hyperspectral Imaging. Remote Sensing, 11(15):1771 (1-19).

18. Nautiyal Sunil (2019). Post-independence conservation policies and implementation in India: A socio-economic and ecological appraisal. In: Nadkarni MV (Ed), Socio-Economic Change and the Broad-Basing Process in India. Routledge International (9780367146283) 1: 180-192.

19. Khan YDI, Nautiyal Sunil, Venkatesha MG (2019). Avian diversity of semi-arid landscape: a study from Chitradurga district, Karnataka, India. Environment and Ecology, 37(3B): 1037-1049.

20. Goswami M, Ravishankar C, Nautiyal Sunil, Schaldach R (2019). Integrated Landscape Modelling in India: Evaluating the Scope for Micro-Level Spatial Analysis over Temporal Scale. In: Tropical Ecosystems: Structure, Functions and Challenges in the Face of Global Change. Springer Nature, Singapore. 1: 289-315.

21. Goswami M, Nautiyal Sunil (2020) Transitional Peri-urban Landscape and Use of Natural Resource for Livelihoods. In: Socio-economic and Eco-biological Dimensions in Resource use and Conservation. Springer International Publishing Switzerland, ISBN 978-3-030-32462-9, pp, 435-457.

22. Nautiyal Sunil, Smitha KC, Kaechele H (2020) Medicinal Plant Biodiversity in India: Harnessing Opportunities for Promoting Livelihood and Food Security. In: Socio-economic and Eco-biological Dimensions in Resource use and Conservation. Springer International Publishing Switzerland, ISBN 978-3-030-32462-9, pp 135-169.

23. Das S, Roychoudhury S, Das M, Singha H, Das A, Roy N, Nautiyal Sunil (2020) Wildlife Conservation Perspective of Fringe Villagers and Their Socio-economic Dependency: A Case Study from Borail Wildlife Sanctuary, Assam, India. In: Socio-economic and Eco-biological Dimensions in Resource use and Conservation. Springer International Publishing Switzerland, ISBN 978-3-030-32462-9, pp 287-301.

24. Roy N, Debnath A, Nautiyal Sunil (2020) Livelihood Strategies and Agricultural Practices in Khonoma Village of Nagaland, India: Observation from a Field Visit. In Socio-economic and Eco-biological Dimensions in Resource use and Conservation. Springer International Publishing Switzerland, ISBN 978-3-030-32462-9, pp 425-434.

25. Roy N, Roychoudhury S, Nautiyal Sunil, Agarwal SK, Baksi S (2020) Socio-Economic and Eco-Biological Dimensions in Resource Use and Conservation: Prologue. In Socio-economic and Eco-biological Dimensions in Resource use and Conservation. Springer International Publishing Switzerland,ISBN 978-3-030-32462-9, pp 1-10.

26. Roy N, Roychoudhury S, Nautiyal Sunil, Agarwal SK, Baksi S (2020) Socio-economic and Eco-biological Dimensions in Resource Use and Conservation: Epilogue. In Socio-economic and Eco-biological Dimensions in Resource use and Conservation. Springer International Publishing Switzerland,ISBN 978-3-030-32462-9, pp 547-553.

27. Nautiyal Sunil (2019) Climate change and perspective of socio-ecology of rural landscapes in India. In: Islam R., Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation. Center for Climate Change Study and Resource Utilization, University of Dhaka; BACSAF and AAGUB (1): 60-76.

28. Hoffmann EM, Konerding V, Nautiyal Sunil, Buerkert A (2019) Is the push-pull paradigm useful to explain rural-urban migration? A case study in Uttarakhand, India. PLoS ONE 14(4) (1-22):

29. Deb M, Roychoudhury S, Bhattacharjee PC, Sharma I, Nautiyal Sunil, Sláma P. (2019). Distribution of Western Hoolock Gibbons and Nutritional Status of Food Plants in Cachar District of Assam, India: Reaching out to Local Communities for Conservation. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 67(1): 25 – 39.

30.. Moeckel T, Dayananda RR, Nidamanuri S, Nautiyal Sunil, H Hanumaiah et al. (2018). Estimation of Vegetable Crop Parameter by Multi-temporal UAV-Borne Images. Remote Sensing 10(5), 805.

31. Ravishankar C, Nautiyal, Sunil and Manasi S. (2018). Social Acceptance for Reclaimed Water Use: A Case Study in Bengaluru Recycling 3(4) 1-12

32. Nautiyal Sunil (2017). Interactions between humans and ecosystems in Himalayas of India and its socioeconomic and ecological consequences: An ecological modeling approach, In: Sandhu H (ed). Ecosystem Functions and Management: Theory and Practice (Springer International Publishing) pp 39-57.

33. Nautiyal Sunil, H. Kaechele, MS Umesh Babu. et al., (2017) Land-use Change in Indian Tropical Agro-ecosystems: Eco-energy Estimation for Socio-ecological Sustainability Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 189:168 (1-21) DOI: 10.1007/s10661-017-5819-4.

34. Nautiyal Sunil, M. Sravani, Kaechele, H, Rajasekaran, C (2016). Plant diversity and associated traditional ecological knowledge of Soliga tribal community of BRTTR. A biogeographic bridge for Western and Eastern Ghats, India. Medicinal Plants – International Journal of Phytomedicines and Related Industries. 8(1): 1-17.

35. YD Imran Khan, Nautiyal Sunil, Pavan Tikhile, V. Sastry, K. Bhaskar (2016). Diversity of Zooplankton and their Seasonal Variations of Gogi Lake, Shahapur taluk, Yadgir district, Karnataka, India. International Research Journal of Environment Sciences Vol. 5(1), 32-38.

36. Nautiyal Sunil, Goswami, M., et al., (2015). “Potential of manure based biogas to replace conventional and non-conventional fuels in India: Environmental assessment for emission reduction”, Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, 26 (1): 3-20.

37. Deb M, Nautiyal Sunil, Sláma Petr, Bhattacharjee PC, Roychoudhury Shubhadeep (2015). Butterfly of Assam University Campus in Silchar: Can Academic Institutions Contribute to Conservation of Species Diversity in Northeastern Region of India. Acta Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 63 (3), 731-739. doi:10.11118/actaun20156

38. Nautiyal Sunil with Bhaskar K, Imran Khan Y D, Rajanna, L. (2015). A Preliminary study on Phytoplankton in Fresh water-Lake of Gogi, Yadgir district, Karnataka. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. 4(4): 2030-3037.

39. Nautiyal Sunil, Rajasekaran, C., Varsha, N.P. (2014). Cross-Cultural Ecological Knowledge related to the use of plant biodiversity in the traditional health care systems in Biligiriranga-Swamy Temple Tiger Reserve, Karnataka. Medicinal Plants – International Journal of Phytomedicines and Related Industries, 6(4): 254-271.

40. Nautiyal Sunil (2013). A Transition from Wood Fuel to LPG and Its Impact on Energy Conservation and Health in the Central Himalayas, India. Journal of Mountain Science (Springer) 10(5): 898-912.

41. Semwal, R.L., Nautiyal Sunil, Maikhuri, R.K., Rao, K.S., Saxena, K.G. (2013). Growth and carbon stocks of multipurpose tree species plantations in degraded lands in Central Himalaya, India. Forest Ecology and Management (Elsevier), 310(15): 450–459.

42. Nautiyal Sunil, Bhaskar K, Khan YDI, Venkateshalu (2013). Biodiversity Monitoring and its Distribution in and Around Uranium Mining Area of Gogi, Gulbarga (Yadgir), Karnataka: A Case Study. Journal of Biodiversity, 4(2): 69-77 (2013)

43. Nautiyal Sunil, Nidamanuri RR (2012). Ecological and socioeconomic impacts of conservation policies in biodiversity hotspots: a case study from Rajiv Gandhi National Park, India. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 2(2): 165-177.

44. Nautiyal, Sunil (2011). Can conservation and development interventions in the Indian Central Himalaya ensure environmental sustainability? A socioecological evaluation. Sustainability Science, 6(2): 151-167.

45. Navaneethan, P., Nautiyal Sunil, Rajasekaran, C. (2011). Cross-cultural Ethno-botany and Conservation of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in the Nilgiris, Western Ghats: A Case Study. Medicinal Plants, International Journal of Phytomedicine and Related Industries. 3(1): 27-45.

46. Nautiyal, Sunil (2011). Plant Biodiversity and Its Conservation in Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC) Campus, Bangalore: A Case Study. Journal of Biodiversity 2(1): 9-26.

48. Kaechele, H., Babu, T.S., Kutter, T, Specht, K, Nautiyal, S., Mueller, K. and Raju, K.V. (2011). Confronting the climate change challenge: discussing the role of rural India under cumulative emission budget approach. Environmental Science and Policy 14(8): 1103-1112.

49. Nautiyal, Sunil (2011). Macro to micro Viewpoint of Climate Change- Linking Karnataka to Global Issue. Natural Resources 2:22-27.

50. Nautiyal, Sunil and Nidamanuri, R.R. (2010). Conserving biodiversity in protected area of biodiversity hotspot in India: a case study. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 36: 195-200.

51. Kaechele, H. and Nautiyal, Sunil (2010). From Thaer and Thünen until Today: Past and Future of Agricultural Landscape Use in Germany, Natural Resources, 1(2): 57-68.

52. Nautiyal, S., Rao. K.S., Kaechele, H., Zander, P. (2010). Conceptual model development for landscape management in the mountains of the Indian Himalayan region: an approach for sustainable socio-ecological development. Landscape Online, Journal of International Association of Landscape Ecology. 18:1-19.

53. Nautiyal, S. and Kaechele, H. (2009). Natural resource management in a protected area of Indian Himalaya: A modeling approach for anthropogenic interactions on ecosystems. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 153 (1-4): 253-271.

54. Nautiyal, S., Kaechele, H., Rao, K.S. and Maikhuri, R.K. (2009). An economic evaluation of introduced crops cultivation in a part of the Indian Himalayan region. the Botanica, 57: 102-106.

55. Nautiyal, S. and Kaechele, H. (2008). Fuel switching from wood to LPG can benefit the environment! Environmental Impact Assessment Review 28:523-532.

56. Nautiyal Sunil, Khan YDI, Kaechele H. and Bhaskar K. (2017). Diversity and Distribution of Spiders in Gogi, Yadgir District: A Semi-arid Landscape in Southern India. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 43 (3), 195-204.
57 . Nautiyal, S. (2008). Natural resource management Research approach to understand the anthropogenic interactions on ecosystem: Testing the efficiency of conservation policies. Hima Paryavaran 20 (2): 9-10.

58. Nautiyal, S., Bisht, V., Rao, K.S, Maikhuri, R.K. (2008). The role of cultural values in agrobiodiversity conservation: a case study from Uttarakhand, Himalaya. Journal of Human Ecology 23 (1):1-6.

59. Nautiyal, S. and Kaechele, H. (2008). A modeling approach for natural resource management in nature protection areas in the Indian Himalayan region. Management of Environmental Quality-An International Journal. 19 (3): 335-352.

60. Nautiyal, S. and Kaechele, H. (2007). Conserving the Himalayan forests: approaches and implications of different conservation regimes. Biodiversity and Conservation 16:3737-3754.

61. Nautiyal, S., Kaechele, H., Rao, K.S., Maikhuri, R.K. and Saxena, K.G. (2007). Energy use and economic analysis of traditional Vs introduced crops cultivation in mountains of Indian Himalaya: A case study. Energy 32 (12): 2321-2335.

62. Nautiyal, S. and Kaechele, H. (2007). Conservation of crop diversity for sustainable landscape development in the mountains of the Indian Himalayan region. Management of Environmental Quality 18 (5): 514-530.

63. Nautiyal, S. and Kaechele, H. (2007). Adverse impact of pasture abandonment in Himalayas of India: Testing efficiency of a natural resource management plan (NRMP). Environmental Impact Assessment Review 27: 109-125.

64. Rao, K.S., Nautiyal, S., Maikhuri, R.K. and Saxena, K.G. (2005). Resource Flows of Villages with Contrasting Lifestyles in Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve, Central Himalaya, India. Journal of Mountain Science 2(4),271-293.

65. Nautiyal, S., Rajan, K.S. and Shibasaki, R. (2005). Interaction of biodiversity and economic welfare-a case study from Himalayas of India. Journal of Environmental Informatics 6 (2), 111-119.

66. Nautiyal, S., Shibasaki, R., Rajan, K.S. and Maikhuri, R.K. and Rao, K. S. (2005): Impact of land use changes on subsidiary occupation: a case study from Himalayas of India. Environmental Informatics Archives 3,14-23.

67. Semwal, R.L., Nautiyal, S., Sen, K.K., Rana, U., Maikhuri, R.K., Rao, K.S. Saxena, K.G. (2004): Patterns and ecological implications of agricultural land-use changes: a case study from central Himalaya, India. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 102, 81?92.

68. Nautiyal, S. Rao, K.S., Maikhuri, R.K. and Saxena, K.G (2003): Transhumant Pastoralism and Sustainable Development : A case study in the Buffer Zone of the Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve, India. Mountain Research and Development. 23 , 255-262.

69. Nautiyal, S. Maikhuri, R.K., Rao, K.S. and Saxena, K.G. (2003): Ethnobotany of the Bhotiya tribe of the buffer zone villages of Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany 23, 119-141.

70. Nautiyal, S. Maikhuri, R.K., Rao, K.S., Semwal, R.L. and Saxena, K.G. (2003): Agroecosystem function around a Himalayan Biosphere Reserve. Journal of Environmental Systems 29, 71-100.

71. Rao, K.S., Nautiyal. S., Maikhuri, R.K. and Saxena, K.G (2003): Local Peoples’ Knowledge, Attitude and perceptions of planning and management issues in Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve. Environmental Management.31, 168-181.

72. Negi, C. S. and Nautiyal, S (2003): Indigenous Peoples, Biological Diversity and Protected Area Management- Policy Framework Towards Resolving Conflicts. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology 10, 169-180.

73. Nautiyal, S., Rao, K.S., Maikhuri, R.K., Negi, K.S. and Kala, C.P. (2002): Status of Medicinal and aromatic plants on way to Vashuki Tal in Mandakini Valley Garhwal Himalaya, Uttaranchal. Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products 9, 124-131.

74. Maikhuri, R.K., Nautiyal, S., Rao, K.S., and Saxena, K.G. (2001): Conservation policy and people conflicts: a case study from Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve (a World Heritage Site), India. Forest policy and economics 2, 355-365.

75. Nautiyal, S. Maikhuri, R.K., Rao, K.S. and Saxena, K.G. (2001): Medicinal Plant Resources in Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve in the Central Himalaya. Journal of Herbs, spices and Medicinal Plants 8 , 47-64.

76. Nautiyal, S., Rao, K.S., Maikhuri, R.K., Semwal, R.L. and Saxena, K.G (2001): Traditional knowledge related to medicinal and aromatic plants in tribal societies in a part of Himalaya. Journal of medicinal and aromatic plant Sciences 22-23, 528-541.

77. . Nautiyal Sunil, Kaechele, H, Tikhile P, Subbanna, S. Baksi, S (2017). Study on land use dynamics: Appropriate methods for change estimation in social science research. Earth Systems and Environment. Earth Systems and Environment (2017) 1:27.

Biswas Sneha and Nautiyal Sunil (2020). Livelihood and Social Capital in Vulnerable Ecosystems: A Case Study from Indian Sundarbans. ISEC Working Paper No. 496.

Rawat, N. Babu MS, Nautiyal Sunil (2016. Climate Change and Sea Level Rise: A Review of Studies on Low Lying and Island Countries. ISEC Working paper 359

Babu, M.S., Nautiyal, S. (2013) Historical issues and perspectives of land resource management in India: A Review. Working paper 309. Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore, 2013.

Attri, S. and Nautiyal Sunil (2013) Vulnerabiliy assessment of the agriculture sector in Yadgir District, Karnataka: A Socio-economic survey approach. Working Paper No. 295. Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore, 2013.

Babu, MS, Nautiyal, S. (2012). Socioeconomic and Ecological Consequences of Biofuel Development in India, Working Paper 807. Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), Department of International Economics, 2012.

Babu, MS., Nautiyal, S. (2012). Forest Resources Management and Conservation in Ancient India: A Historical Review, Working Paper 003. Development Foundation, Bangalore, 2012.

Nautiyal, S. (2010). Plant-Biodiversity Conservation in Academic Institutions: An Efficient Approach for Conserving Biodiversity across Ecological Regions in India, Working Paper No. 258. Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore, 2010.

Nautiyal, S. (2009). Spatio-temporal analysis of forests under different management regimes using Landsat and IRS images, Working paper no. 213. Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore, 2009.

Nautiyal, S. (2008). Structure of Central Himalayan forests under different management regimes: An empirical study, Working paper No 206. Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore, 2008.

1. Nautiyal Sunil, Babu, MS, Baksi S. (2017). Climate change and impact: a case study from BRTTR. Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in Indian Scenario with special reference to agriculture and forestry. 1: 81-93.

2. Nautiyal Sunil, Schaldach, R., Raju KV, Kaechele, H., Pritchard B., Rao. KS (2016). Climate Change Challenge (3C) and Social-Economic-Ecological Interface-Building: Exploring Potential Adaptation Strategies for Bio-resource Conservation and Livelihood Development – PROLOGUE. Springer International Publishing Switzerland. pp 1-8.

3. Rao M S, Ravikumar G., Triveni P.R., Rajan V S and Nautiyal Sunil(2016). Analy sis o f Policies in Sus taining Sand alwood Resources in Ind ia. In: Nautiyal et al., Climate Change Challenge (3C) and Social-Economic-Ecological Interface-Building Exploring Potential Adaptation Strategies for Bio-resource Conservation and Livelihood Development. Springer International Publishing Switzerland. pp 327-346.

4. Nautiyal Sunil,Schaldach R. (2016). Research approach to analyse climate change impacts in rural regions of India and to explore potential adaptation strategies for biodiversity conservation and livelihood development. In: Nautiyal et al., Climate Change Challenge (3C) and Social-Economic-Ecological Interface-Building Exploring Potential Adaptation Strategies for Bio-resource Conservation and Livelihood Development. Springer International Publishing Switzerland. pp 561-579.

5. Nautiyal Sunil, Kaechele H. Zander P and Rao, KS (2016). Socioeconomic and ecological modeling for sustainable landscape management in Indian Himalayan perspective. In: Nautiyal et al., Climate Change Challenge (3C) and Social-Economic-Ecological Interface-Building Exploring Potential Adaptation Strategies for Bio-resource Conservation and Livelihood Development. Springer International Publishing Switzerland. pp 597-628.

6. Nautiyal Sunil, Schaldach, R., Raju KV, Kaechele, H., Pritchard B., Rao. KS (2016). Climate Change Challenge (3C) and Social-Economic-Ecological Interface-Building: Exploring Potential Adaptation Strategies for Bio-resource Conservation and Livelihood Development – EPILOGUE. Springer International Publishing Switzerland. pp 631-639.

7. Sunil Nautiyal with S. Manasi, M. Goswami, P.Bez., K.Bhaskar, YD Imran Khan (2014). Replacing conventional fuel through biogas for mitigating the threats related to climate change in India: A state-wise assessment for emission reduction. In: N.J. Raju, W. Gossel, A. Ramanathan, M. Sudhakar (Eds.), Management of Water, Energy and Bio-resources in the Era of Climate Change: Emerging Issues and Challenges. Capital Publishing House, New Delhi and Co published by Springer, The Netherlands, ISBN: 978-93-81891-06-3, page no.. 177-196.

8. Nautiyal Sunil, Rao, KS, Kaechele H. Raju, KV and Schaldach R (2013). Knowledge Systems of Societies for Adaptation and Mitigation of Impacts of Climate Change: Prologue. In: Nautiyal, S. et al., (Eds.), Knowledge Systems of Societies for Adaptation and Mitigation of Impacts of Climate Change, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Germany, pp 1-6.

9. Maikhuri R.K.., Rawat L.S., Nautiyal SunilNegi V.S., Pharswan D.S. and Phondani P. (2013). Promoting and Enhancing Sustainable Livelihood Options as an Adaptive Strategy to Reduce Vulnerability and Increase Resilience to Climate Change Impact in the Central Himalaya. In: Nautiyal, S. et al., (Eds.), Knowledge Systems of Societies for Adaptation and Mitigation of Impacts of Climate Change, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Germany, pp 555-576.

10. Kaechele H., Kutter T., Specht K., Nautiyal Sunil, Amjath-Babu T. S., Müller K. and Raju K.V. (2013). Rural India as Key Factor to Cope with Climate Change. In: Nautiyal, S. et al., (Eds.), Knowledge Systems of Societies for Adaptation and Mitigation of Impacts of Climate Change, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Germany, pp 693-716.

11. Nautiyal Sunil, Rao, KS, Kaechele H. Raju, KV and Schaldach R (2013). Knowledge Systems of Societies for Adaptation and Mitigation of Impacts of Climate Change: Epilogue. In: Nautiyal, S. et al., (Eds.), Knowledge Systems of Societies for Adaptation and Mitigation of Impacts of Climate Change, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Germany, pp 717-720.

12. Nautiyal, Sunil (2011). Protected area management in Biodiversity Hotspots: a case study from Nagarhole National Park, India In: K.G. Saxena, L. Liang, K. Tanaka and S. Takahashi (Eds) Land Management in Marginal Mountain Regions: Adaptation and vulnerability to Global Change. Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehradun, 2011, 99-106.

13. Nautiyal Sunil., Maikhuri, R.K., Rao, K.S. and Saxena, K.G. (2011). Livelihood and Natural Resources is Asian Cold Desert: A case study from selected villages in Central Himalaya, India. In: K.G. Saxena, Luohui Liang, Xian Xue (Eds) Global Change, Biodiversity and Livelihoods in Cold Desert Region of Asia, Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehradun, 161-176.

14. Maikhuri, R.K. Nautiyal Sunil, Rao, K.S (2010). Pastoral issues in the light of change and development in the buffer zone of Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve. In: Farooquee, N.A., Gooch, P., Maikhuri, R.K. & Agrawal, D.K. (eds.) Sustainable Pastoralism in the Himalayas. Indus Publishing company, New Delhi, 2010, pp. 83-101.

15. Nautiyal Sunil (2010). Impact of Land use Change: Socio-economic and Ecological Perspectives. In: Nautiyal, S., Nayak. B.P. (Editors). Ecological Economics: Ecological Economics: An Approach towards Socioeconomic and Environmental Sustainability, ISEC-NIE Publication, 2010. pp. 239-247.

16. Nautiyal Sunil (2009). Research approach to understand the climate change impact at micro level: A case study. In: Nautiyal, S., Nayak, B.P. (Editors). Climate Change: Data Requirement and Availability, ISEC-CSO, MoSPI publication, 2010. pp. 150-161.

17. Nautiyal Sunil, and Kaechele, H. (2009). Is grazing good or bad for pasture ecosystem in the Himalayas of India? Testing the efficiency of conservation model using LANDSAT and IRS images. In: 33rd International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment “Sustaining the Millennium Development Goals” Stresa, Italy.

18. Nautiyal Sunil and Kaechele H. (2007). Human and ecosystems interaction and its ecological impacts in Mountains: Lesson from land use development in nature conservation areas in the Himalayas, India. Proceedings of Transatlantic Land Use Conference

19. Nautiyal, S., Kaehele, H. (2007). Using remote sensing and ground truth data to study and analyse the structure and developmental pattern of the forests under different management regimes in the Himalayas of India. Proceedings of 32nd International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment “Sustainable Development through Global Earth Observations”

20. Nautiyal, S., and Kaechele, H. (2006). Traditional crop diversity needs institutional and policy support for their conservation and sustainable land use development in Himalayas of India. In: Berlin Conference on Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change: Resource Policies: Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Equity, 17 – 18 November 2006, Berlin: 1-8.

21. Maikhuri, R.K., Rao, K.S., Nautiyal Sunil, Dhyani, D. Rawat, L.S. and Saxena, K.G. (2006). Priority interventions for sustainable development of buffer zone villages of NDBR. In: Resource appraisal, Technology application and environmental challenges in Central Himalaya, Eds., Rawat, M.S.S., Lakhera, L.P., Pal, A., Negi, Y.S. and Bisht, K.S. (Department of Geography, HNB Garhwal University Srinagar, Garhwal, Uttaranchal). 84-95.

22. Nautiyal Sunil, Rajan, K.S. and Shibasaki, R. (2004): Environmental Conservation Vs Compensation: Explorations from the Uttaranchal Himalaya. ISEIS Proceedings. 2, 88-99.

23. Nautiyal Sunil, Rajan, K.S. and Shibasaki, R. (2005). Land use Intensification and its Ecological Impacts, in Himalayas of India – Lessons for scenario development in mountainous regions. Proceedings of 31st International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (31st ISRSE), Saint Petersburg, Russia (04 pages), CDROM Publication.

24. Maikhuri, R.K., Rao, K.S., Chauan, K., Kandari, L., Prasad, P., Negi, G.S., Nautiyal Sunil, Purohit, A., Rajasekaran, C. and Saxena, K.G. 2005. Cultivation and conservation of higher Himalayan medicinal plants through participatory and action research: A case study from the Central Himalaya (Uttaranchal), India. In: Thomas, Y., Karki, M., Gurung, K. & Parajuli, D. (Eds.) Himalayan Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Balancing Use and Conservation (Proceedings of the Regional Workshop on Wise Practices and Experiential Learning in Conservation and Management of Himalayan Medicinal Plants, December 15-10, 2002, Kathmandu, Nepal), WWF/IDRC, Canada. Pp. 281-301.

25. Nautiyal Sunil, Rao K.S., Maikhuri, R.K. and Saxena, K.G. (2002): Ethnobotany to Tolchha Sect of Bhotiya Community of Garhwal Himalaya. In: Series Recent Progress in Medicinal Plants, Vol. 1-Ethnomedicine & Pharmacognosy, Eds, Singh, V.K., Govil , J.N. and Singh, G. (SCI TECH Pub USA), 9-32.

26. Maikhuri, R.K. Semwal R.L., Nautiyal Sunil, Rao, K.S. (2002). Land use land cover change impacts and strategies for rehabilitation of degraded land: A case study from the Central (lesser) Himalaya (Uttaranchal). In: Rawat, M.S.S. (ed.). Central Himalaya: Environment and Development: Potential, Actions and Challenges. Transmedia Publication, Srinagar, Garhwal. pp. 230-240.

27. Maikhuri, R.K., Nautiyal Sunil, Rao, K.S. and Saxena, K.G. 2002. Medicinal plant cultivation in Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve Buffer Zone villages. In: Singh, V.K., Govil, J.N. & Singh, Gurdip (Eds.) Recent Progress in Medicinal Plants. Vol. I. Ethnomedicine and Pharmocognosy. Sci Tech Publishing Llc, Houston, USA. pp. 345-362.

28. Rao, K.S., Semwal, R.L., Maikhuri, R.K., Nautiyal Sunil, Sen, K.K. and Saxena, K.G. (2002) Traditional Natural Resource Management in Central Himalaya and its Relevance to Biosphere Management. In: Traditional Ecological Knowledge for Managing Biosphere Reserves in South and Central Asia, Eds, Ramakrishnan, P.S., Rai, R.K., Katwal, R.P.S. and Mehndiratta, S. (Oxford & IBH Publication, India (P) Ltd., New Delhi), 71-96.

29. Rao, K.S., Semwal, R.L., Maikhuri, R.K., Nautiyal Sunil, Sen, K.K., Singh, K., Chandrasekhar, K. & Saxena, K.G. (2002). Indigenous ecological knowledge, biodiversity and sustainable development in the central Himalayas. In: Depommier, D. & Ramakrishnan, P.S. (eds.) Proceedings of the Indo-French colloquium on Traditional Ecological Knowledge, Conservation of Biodiversity and Sustainable Development. Publication of the Department of Ecology, IFP, Pondichery. pp. 101-140.

20. Nautiyal Sunil, Maikhuri R.K. and K.S. Rao (2002). Medicinal plant cultivation practices of Bhotiyas in Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve villages of Garhwal Himalaya. In: Himalayan Medicinal Plants: Potential and Prospects, HIMAVIKAS Occasional Publication No. 14, Eds, Samant, S.S., Dhar, U. and Palni, L.M.S. (Gyanodaya Prakashan Pub., Nainital), 317-328.

31. Maikhuri R.K., Rao K.S., Nautiyal Sunil, Purohit, A. and Tiwari, S.D. (2002). Agroecosystem Management of Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve. In: Proceedings of Biosphere Reserve in India and Their Management, Eds, Sharma, J.K., Easa, P.S., Mohanan,C., Sasidharan ,N. & Rai , R.K. 122-126.

Popular articles published in English/ Hindi (English translation of Hindi titles are in italics)

1. Nautiyal, S. (2010). Climate Change: Copenhagen to Karnataka, State Macro Scan, (June 2010). p. 6.

2. Nautiyal, S. (2009). Research approach to understand the anthropogenic interactions on ecosystem: Testing the efficiency of conservation policies Himaparyavaran Newsletter (2009); 20 (2): 9-10

3. Nautiyal, S., Negi, K.S. Rao, K.S. (2003). Ethnobotanical notes on the exploration of germplasm in OM Parvat and Adi – Kailash Mountains in Uttaranchal. Hima-Paryavaran Newsletter. (2003) 14 (1&2), 15 (1): 8-10.

4.. Nautiyal, S. (2003). Mandakini Valley: Religious, Cultural and Botanical aspects. Hima-Paryavaran Newsletter (2003) 14 (1&2), 15 (1): 14-16.

5. Nautiyal, S., Maikhuri, R.K. and Rao, K.S. (2008). Madhya Himalaya ke vibhinn van tantron ke sanrakshan, sanvardhan evam prabhav ki ek vaigyanik vivechna (A scientific review on conservation, development and impact of different forest ecosystems of the Central Himalaya) ENVIS bulletin (Himalayan Ecology and Development). 16(1): 69-73.

6. Nautiyal, S., Rao, K.S. and Maikhuri, R.K. (2006). Madhya Himalaya ke Paramparik Krishi Tantra main Adhunik Faslon ko Krishikaran: Ek adhayyan. (Cultivation of modern crops in traditional Himalayan agroecosystem: a case study) ENVIS bulletin (Himalayan Ecology and Development). 14(2): 85-87.

7. Nautiyal, S, K.S. Rao and Maikhuri, R.K. (2005). Paramparik Sanskritik mulyon ka paryavaran sanrakshan mein yogdan (Role of traditional socio-cultural values in environmental conservation) ENVIS bulletin (Himalayan Ecology and Development). 13(1): 97-100.

8. Nautiyal, S., K.S. Rao and Maikhuri, R.K. (2003). Jari-butiyon ka Utpadan: Karyashalayein krishikaran ke protsahan hetu vyawaharik vikalp. (Cultivation of medicinal plants: the workshops are realistic approaches for promotion of agro-techniques in rural areas) Hima-Paryavaran Newsletter 14 (1&2), 15 (1): 27-30.

9. Nautiyal, S., Rao, K.S. and Maikhuri, R.K. (2002). Kyon udashin hain Vishwa Dharohar Sthal Nanda Devi Jaiv Mandal Arakshit Kshetra (World Heritage NDBR) ke Niwashi (Why inhabitants of Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve (world heritage site) are neutral about conservation programs ?) ENVIS bulletin (Himalayan Ecology and Development) 10(1): 75-76.

10. Negi, K.S., Bhandari, D.C., sharma, A., Rao, K.S. and Nautiyal, S (2002). Uttaranchal mein videshi sugandhit Van Hajiri : Abhishap ya Vardan? (The exotic scented Van Hajiri (TAGETUS MINUTA) in Uttaranchal: curse or boon?) ENVIS bulletin (Himalayan Ecology and Development) 10(1): 75-78.

11. Nautiyal, S., Rao, K.S., Maikhuri, R.K. and Purohit, Aditya (2001). Aitihaasik NANDA RAJ JAT-Prakriti evam sanskriti ka parasparik sambandh: Vigat and vertman Swarup. (Historical NANDA RAJ JAT- the reciprocal relation of culture and nature: past and present scenario) ENVIS bulletin (Himalayan Ecology and Development) 9(2):75-91.

Book Review

Nautiyal, S. (2010). Management of Natural Resources – Institutions for Sustainable Livelihood: The Case of Rajasthan. Sunil Ray — Journal of Social and Economic Development, 2010, 12(2): 217-221.

Nautiyal, S. (2012). “Effects of Climate Change in Asia-Pacific Region” Climate Change in Asia and the Pacific: How Can Countries Adapt? Eds. Venkatachalam Anbumozhi; Meinhard Breiling;, (SAGE Publications, 2012). Published By: eSocialSciences, India | Published Date: November, 21 , 2012

Nautiyal Sunil (2013) Climate Change and Forests: Emerging Policy and Market Opportunities. Charlotte Streck, Robert O’Sullivan, Toby Janson- Smith and Richard Tarasofsky (eds). New Delhi: Concept Publishing Company. 2009. Pp xiv+346. ` 1100. Journal of Social and Economic Development, 2013, 15(1): 136-140.

Policy Brief

Nautiyal Sunil with Das Anup, Roychaudhury Subhadeep (2020). Carbon sequestration by eastern Himalayan forests: a North East Indian perspective. GB Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development (MoEF&CC, Govt. of India), E-Newsletter (1): 19-20.

Nautiyal Sunil, Rajasekaran. C and Mannam. S (2018). Biodiversity conservation and improving the livelihood of tribal communities in Biligiri Rangaswamy Temple Tiger Reserve (BRTTR) through cost effective agro-biotechnological interventions (Policy Brief -16, institute for Social and Economic Change)

Nautiyal Sunil, Bhaskar, K, Khan, YDI (2018). Biodiversity conservation in semi-arid landscape Central and North Eastern Dry Zones of Karnataka (Policy Brief -17, institute for Social and Economic Change)

Das A, Roychaudhury S. Nautiyal Sunil (2020). Carbon sequestration by eastern Himalayan forests: a North East Indian perspective. GB Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development (MoEF&CC, Govt. of India), E-Newsletter (1): 19-20.

A. International Conferences

1. Sunil Nautiyal organised 2-Day International Seminar on “Advancing Frontiers of Knowledge on Climate Action Cross-sectional Approaches for Mitigation and Resilience” Organized by Centre for Ecological Economics and Natural Resources (CEENR), Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC), Bengaluru Supported by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, New Delhi . In Collaboration with Indian Institute of Management-Ahmedabad and Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay on 22nd-23rd October 2021.

2. Sunil Nautiyal organized a Three-day international workshop on ‘Green Growth Strategies for Climate Resilience and DRR: Policies, Pathways and Tools’ (26-28 November 2020). This international workshop was organized in association with National Institute of Disaster Management, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India.

3. Nautiyal Sunil. Organised International Conference on “Scientific and indigenous bio-cultural knowledge in understanding climate change in biodiversity hotspots to develop strategies for socio-ecological development: data availability, requirement and gaps (in association with Assam University Silchar, Assam) (27th and 28th July 2017).

4. Nautiyal Sunil. Organised one-day workshop on ‘‘Socio-ecological Development Under Changing Environment: A Case study’ at the International Workshop on Ecological Systems in the Indian Rural-Urban Interface: Functions, Scales, and Dynamics Of Transition’ held at HESCO, Dehradun (February 13, 2016).

5. Nautiyal Sunil. Organised two-day International Conference on “Climate Change and Social-Ecological-Economical Interface-Building: Modelling Approach to Exploring Potential Adaptation Strategies for Bio-resource Conservation and Livelihood Development” held at ISEC in collaboration with University of Kassel, Germany (May 20-21, 2015).

6. Nautiyal Sunil. Organised one-day International Seminar on “Climate Change and Food Security: The Global and Indian Contexts” in collaboration with University of Sydney held at ISEC (February 18, 2015).

7. Nautiyal Sunil. Convened International Conference (International Humboldt Kolleg – IHK) on “Adaptive Management of Ecosystems: The Knowledge Systems of Societies for Adaptation and Mitigation of Impacts of Climate Change, 19th to 21st October 2011. IHK 2011 was celebrated to commemorate the 60th Anniversary of Diplomatic relations between Germany and India.

B. National conferences/Workshops

8. Nautiyal Sunil organized ISEC Golden Jubilee Training Workshop on “Wild Edibles of the Male Mahadeshwara Betta (MM Hills) and their potential for the socio-economic development of local people” Date: March 08, 2022: Venue: Hanur, Chamarajanagar District, Karnataka.

9. Nautiyal Sunil convened a National Webinar on “Climate Change- Ecological Restoration and Socio-Ecological Sustainability” Jointly organized by University of Mysore, DOS in Environmental Science, Mysore & Centre for Ecological Economics and Natural Resources (CEENR), Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC), Bengaluru. on 2nd July 2021.

10. Nautiyal Sunil organized the Thematic panel on ‘Natural Resources, Biodiversity, Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System’ during 43rd Indian Social Science Congress, January 17-21, 2020, Bengaluru Central University, Bengaluru (Focal Theme: Current Science of Nature-Human-Society in India).

11. Nautiyal Sunil organized a Workshop cum Focus Group Discussion on “Household Carbon Footprint: Perceptions and Suggestions for Low Carbon Lifestyle” on 29th January 2021 at Madhya Pradesh Vigyan Sabha, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh.

12. Nautiyal Sunil organized a Workshop cum Focus Group Discussion on “Household Carbon Footprint” on 19th January 2021 at Sacred Heart College, Tirupattur, Tamil Nadu.

13. Nautiyal Sunil. Organized national workshop on “Agrobiodiversity conservation for sustainable socio-ecological development” at Mangalore University, Mangalore (24th September 2018).

14. Nautiyal Sunil. Organized national workshop on “Resource use and conservation for sustainable socio-ecological development” in association with NIRDPR, Guwahati at NIRD , Guwahati, Assam (21st – 22nd December 2017).

15. Nautiyal Sunil. Organised National workshop titled “Agro biodiversity conservation: Socio-Economic and Ecological Development”, was organised in Assam University, Silchar (5th April, 2017).

16. Nautiyal Sunil. Organised Two-day National Workshop cum Training on ‘Renewable Energy – Law, Policy and Climate Change: Indian Perspective’ in association with Centre for Sustainable Development, Bangalore and the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India held at ISEC during (February 26-27, 2016).

17. Nautiyal Sunil. Convened Group Monitoring Workshop on “Technology Interventions for Tribal Empowerment (TITE) & Scheduled Caste Sub Plan (SCSP) Schemes” at ISEC (29-31 January 2014).

18. Nautiyal Sunil. Organized National Conference on “Ecological Economics: An Approach towards Socioeconomic and Environmental Sustainability” & Prof. R. Misra Birth Centenary Lecture at ISEC (30 September – 1 October 2009).

19. Nautiyal Sunil. Organized National Conference on “Climate change and its impact at micro level: Data requirement and availability” at ISEC (16-17 April 2009).

C. Farmers to farmers training workshop

20. Nautiyal Sunil. Organized one day tr aining workshop on medicinal plants cultivation and biodiversity conservation at Muntipalya village, Chamrajanagar, Karnataka (20-7-2013) with financial support from DST, Govt. of India. Coordinator: Sunil Nautiyal

21. Nautiyal Sunil. Organized one-day field workshop on ‘‘Farmer to Farmer Interactive Workshop on Conservation of Agro-biodiversity, Resource Utilization and Ecosystem Management’ in collaboration with Punyabhoomi, Hassan at Gowripura Village, Hassan on March 11, 2016. Coordinator: Dr. Sunil Nautiyal

22. Nautiyal Sunil. Organized first training workshop at MM Hills on “Exploring Wild Edibles of the Male Mahadeshwara Betta and their Potential for the Socio Economic Development of Local People”. The workshop was organized on April 2nd, 2018 at MM Hills, Chamrajanagara. Coordinator: Sunil Nautiyal

D. International field school programme

23. Nautiyal Sunil. Coordinated
field school programme for the researchers of University of Sydney from Feb 12-17. Various programmes were conducted in coordination with Karnataka Forest Department and Forestry College, University of Agriculture Sciences, Ponnempet, Madikeri.

E. International course

24. Nautiyal Sunil. Coordinated ISEC-NCI International Course from 2013 to 2016 on “Approaching the Environment in India – Issues and Methods in the Study of the Nature-Economy-Society Interface”. The number of students participated were from various universities/institutions in Nordic countries, namely Denmark, Germany, Sweden and Finland.

Participation and Presentation in International/National conferences >150
Total Research Experience: 22 Years (excluding PhD time)
Research Projects Ongoing

Assessment of Carrying Capacity of an Eco-sensitive Landscape of Western Ghats, CAMPA, Govt. of Karnataka.

Utilisation of bamboo resources for sustainable livelihood development and bioresource conservation. MBDP, Govt. of Maharashtra.

The Rural-Urban Interface of Bangalore: A Space of Transitions in Agriculture, Economics and Society (Structural and functional attributes of field margin vegetation towards sustainable social-ecological development of the rural-urban interface), Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India.

Prospects for enhancing circular economy; strategiesfor policy inclusion and green finances: A case study in peri-urban landscapes ofIndia”, NIDM, MHA, Govt. of India.

Carbon Footprint and changing lifestyles of Indian Households (GIZ (International cooperation) GIZ Office (India), New Delhi – 110 029.

‘Climate Smart Livelihood and Socio-ecological Development of Biodiversity Hotspots of India’ by Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC), DST, Government of India.

Climate Change , Dynamics of Shifting Agriculture and Livelihood Vulnerability in the North Eastern Region of India, sponsored by Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi in collaboration with Assam University Silchar and CEENR, ISEC.

Documentation of People’s Biodiversity Registers (PBRs) in five districts of Karnataka – funded by Karnataka Biodiversity Board, Govt of Karnataka.

Climate resilient agriculture and socio-ecological sustainability: A case study (NIDM, MHA, Govt. of India).

Exploring Wild Edibles of the Male Mahadeshwara Betta (MM Hills) and their potential for the socio economic development of local people (through scientific and technological interventions), Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India.

Integrating air and space-borne spectroscopy and laser scanning to assess structural and functional characteristics of crops and field margin vegetation. (Department of Biotechnology, Government of India).

Urbanization of Agricultural Land, Fodder and Dairy Production, and Resource Use Efficiency at the Rural-Urban Interface (International Centre for Development and Decent Work (ICDD), University of Kassel, Germany).

Conservation of Agro-biodiversity and ecosystem management: a study in Indian agroclimatic sub-zones’ by Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC), DST, Government of India.

Land use change and soil fertility. Funded by (ZALF, Germany).

Enabling tribal communities to improve livelihoods and enhance biodiversity conservation: Scientific and technological interventions for sustainable ecosystem development in BR Hills, Western Ghats (DST, Government of India).

A model based approach to analyse climate change impacts in rural regions of India and to explore potential adaptation strategies (AvH, Germany).

Livelihoods, Vulnerability and Adaptation Strategies to Climate Variability and Change: A bottom up approach to simulate the climate change impacts in two sensitive ecological regions (biodiversity hotpots) of India (DST, Government of India).

Evaluation study on impact of implementation of Western Ghats Development Programme in Karnataka (RDPR, Govt. of Karnataka)

Eco-diversity study in and around the BARC Project site at Challakere, Chitradurga District, Karnataka. (Sponsored by Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, (BARC), Govt. of India).

Baseline Study of Flora Fauna at proposed uranium mining site at Gogi, Gulbarga district, Karnataka (Sponsored by Department of Atomic Energy, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Government of India).

Climate Change: Mitigation and Adaptation Strategy, Programs and Pilot Projects for Karnataka – a bottom-up approach. Sanctioned by World Bank (I was unable to initiate the project because of my absence for international assignment).

Study of Developmental Programmes and Scheme of the Departments of Forest, Ecology and Environment (Expenditure Reforms Commission).

Urban Influence on Rural and Peri-urban Landscapes: Socioeconomic and Ecological Perspective

Forest Resources and Economic Growth: An Enquiry into the Growth Linkages of Forest Cover in Indian States

Selected Research Reports

Nautiyal Sunil (2019) Conservation of Agro-biodiversity and ecosystem management: a study in Indian agroclimatic sub-zones. Submitted to Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC), DST, Government of India.

Nautiyal Sunil (2019). Documentation of People’s Biodiversity Registers (PBRs) in five districts of Karnataka. Submitted to Karnataka Biodiversity Board, Govt. of Karnataka

Vyas Mouleshri and Nautiyal Sunil (2018). Urbanization of agricultural land, fodder and dairy production, and resource use efficiency at the rural-urban interface in India. Submitted to International Center for Development and Decent Work Germany.

Nautiyal Sunil (2016). Enabling tribal communities to improve livelihoods and enhance biodiversity conservation: Scientific and technological interventions for sustainable ecosystem development in BR Hills, Western Ghats. Submitted to DST, Government of India.

Nautiyal Sunil and Schaldach Ruediger (2015). A model based approach to analyse climate change impacts in rural regions of India and to explore potential adaptation strategies. Submitted to AvH, Germany.

Nautiyal Sunil, Rao KS and Raju KV (2015). Livelihoods, Vulnerability and Adaptation Strategies to Climate Variability and Change: A bottom up approach to simulate the climate change impacts in two sensitive ecological regions (biodiversity hotpots) of India. Submitted to DST, Government of India.

Nautiyal Sunil (2015). Land use change and soil fertility. Submitted to ZALF, Germany

Nautiyal Sunil (2012). Evaluation study on impact of implementation of Western Ghats Development Programme in Karnataka. Submitted to RDPR, Govt. of Karnataka.

Nautiyal Sunil (2016). Eco-diversity study in and around the BARC Project site at Challakere, Chitradurga District, Karnataka. Submitted to Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, (BARC), Govt. of India.

Nautiyal Sunil (2012). Baseline Study of Flora Fauna at proposed uranium mining site at Gogi, Gulbarga district, Karnataka. Submitted to Department of Atomic Energy, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Government of India.

Saxena, KG, Maikhuri, RK, Rao, KS, Nautiyal Sunil, Semwal, R. (2011). Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve, Uttarakhand, India as a baseline for further studies related to the implementation of Global Change in Mountain Regions (GLOCHAMORE) Research Strategy. Submitted to UNESCO, New Delhi.

Nautiyal Sunil (2011). Study of Developmental Programmes and Scheme of the Departments of Forest, Ecology and Environment. Submitted to Expenditure Reforms Commission, Govt. of Karnataka.

Nautiyal Sunil (2009) Urban Influence on Rural and Peri-urban Landscapes: Socioeconomic and Ecological Perspective. Submitted to ISEC.

Nayak BP and Nautiyal Sunil (2010). Forest Resources and Economic Growth: An Enquiry into the Growth Linkages of Forest Cover in Indian States. Submitted to ISEC

1.Supervision of Post-Doctoral Fellow

Prof. Sunil Nautiyal supervised a National Post Doctoral Fellow (awarded from DST-SERB, Ministry of Science and Technology ‘MST’, Government of India) for a period of two years (April 2019 to March 2021)

Doctor of Philosophy

1. Mrinalini Goswami. “Study of Ecosystem Based Livelihoods in a Rural and Peri-Urban Landscape of Assam”. The University of Mysore, Karnataka, India (Supervisor : Prof. Sunil Nautiyal). Awarded.

2. Chaya Ravishankar. “Study for Water Use Efficiency for Augmenting Water Resources for Growing Population of Bengaluru” The University of Mysore, Karnataka, India (Supervisor : Prof. Sunil Nautiyal). Awarded

3. YD Imran Khan. “Biodiversity and Land Use/Land Cover Changes in the Semi-Arid Region of Chitradurga District, Karnataka” Bangalore University, Karnataka, India (Supervisor: Prof. M.G. Venkatesha; Co-supervisor: Prof. Sunil Nautiyal). Awarded

4. Sneha Biswas. “Socio-Economic Vulnerability of the Coastal Ecosystem: A Study of Indian Sundarbans” The University of Mysore, Karnataka, India (Supervisor : Prof. Sunil Nautiyal). Awarded

5. Govindappa M. “Socio-Economic and Ecological Dimensions of Tomato Cultivation in Eastern Dry Zone of Karnataka” The University of Mysore, Karnataka, India (Supervisor : Prof. Sunil Nautiyal). Awarded

Eight PhD students are pursuing PhD work in the guidance of Prof. Sunil Nautiyal

1. Mr Srinivas Rao, Sandalwood Economy: History, Institutional Issues and Sustainable Aspects

2. Ms Meenakshi Negi, Impact of Medicinal Plants on Livelihoods in India: An Institutional Approach

3. Mr Michael Islary, Socio-Ecological Development and Natural Resources Management in Manas Landscape in Assam

4. Mr Pruthvi M S, Reconciling Conservation with Local Livelihoods: A Study on MM Hills Landscape, Karnataka, India

5. Mr Sudhanshu Singh, Ecologically sensitive Supply Chains: Consumer behavior and contribution towards E-waste management (ongoing)

6. Ms Sharmistha Halder, Impact of Disasters on Natural Resource Dependent Society in Central Himalaya

7. Ms Mitra Rajak, Environmental Challenges and Socio-ecological Sustainability of Darjeeling Himalaya

8. Mr. Satya Prakash, Spatio-temporal assessment of Field Margin Vegetation in the rural-urban interface of Bengaluru, India

MSc Thesis Supervision

Anna Kristina Backhaus (2020). Seasonal composition of spontaneous plant species and their uses in rural and peri-urban areas of Bengaluru, India. Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Andreas Buerkert, University of Kassel, Germnay and Prof. Sunil Nautiyal Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC), Bengaluru, India- In the Joint Programme Sustainable International Agricutlure at Georg-August-University of Goettingen and the University of Kassel, Germany.

a. National

At the national level Prof. Nautiyal mentored 60 intern students for their Master’s/Bachelor’s research from various Indian universities and research institutes (i.e. Department of Environmental Sciences, Gyan Bharati Campus, Bangalore University, VIT University Vellore, TERI University, Delhi, Solapur University, Solapur, Rajasthan Central University, Ajmer, IP University, New Delhi, TISS-Hyderabad, Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (RGNIYD), Sriperumbudur, BHU, Varanasi and many others (Most of the students were supported by Dr. Nautiyal’s research projects for fellowship)

b. international

Prof. Sunil Nautiyal supervised 08 International scholars for their Master’s and PhD work from institutions and universities in USA, Germany, Africa, Netherlands, Mexico under the international research collaboration.


Coordinator of Development Studies Course for first-year PhD Students of Development Studies at ISEC, March 2021 onwards.

Course coordinator, Paper V (Sustainable Development) and Paper VIII (Indian Environmental Issues), Institute for Social and Economic Change for ISEC PhD Students

Teaching ISEC PhD students in their PhD foundation course (Research Methodology/Perspective).

Delivered lectures to the MSc Environmental Science students at Department of Environmental Science, H.N.B. Garhwal University, Srinagar, Garhwal during the academic session 1998–1999.

Administrative experience

Head Centre for Ecological Economics and Natural Resources, ISEC, Bangalore

Head (I/c) Centre for Ecological Economics and Natural Resources, Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore (18.9.2008 to 15.01.2009 & April 2010 to July 2010);

Full time Ph.D. Programme Coordinator, Institute for Social and Economic Change w.e.f. 01.10.2010 for two years

Honorary Hostel warden, Institute for Social and Economic Change w.e.f. 01.09.2012 for two years


Life member of Society for Environment and Development, India

Indian Science Congress Association (Life Member)

Delhi University Botanical Society (Life Member)

National Institute of Ecology, New Delhi (Life Member)

International Society for Environmental Information Sciences, Canada

Theme on Governance, Equity, and Rights –TGER/IUCN/CEESP

Society for conservation and resource development of medicinal plants, New Delhi

The South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE)

Member: Advisory/ Editorial/ Reviewer Board of many peer reviewed international journals.

Professional Association

Sunil Nautiyal nominated as a Member of the Expert Committee on SYST – Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India (For three years from June 2022).

Sunil Nautiyal nominated as a Member of Programme Advisory Committee for technical evaluation of proposals received under Consolidation of University Research for Innovation and Excellence (CURIE) Programme, Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India (For three years from January 2022).

Sunil Nautiyal appointed as a member of PhD Doctoral Committee in Environmental Science, Under the Faculty of Science, Bangalore University, Jnana Bharathi Bangalore from 2019 for a period of three years (under the Regulations governing the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Bangalore University).

Sunil Nautiyal appointed as a member Board of Studies in board of studies(BOS) of Department of Environmental Sciences H.N.B. Garhwal University (A Central University) Srinagar (Garhwal) -246174, Uttarakhand from 2020 for a period of three years (under the regulations of the HNB Garhwal University (A Central University).

Sunil Nautiyal is a Member of Doctoral Committee at Department of Environmental Science, Karnataka State Open University,MukthagangothriMysore – 570006, India.

Sunil Nautiyal is a member of Doctoral Committee, Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development, Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu.

Sunil Nautiyal is a Member of Doctoral Committee, VIT UNIVERSITY, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India

Sunil Nautiyal is a member of Doctoral Committee, Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar

Sunil Nautiyal served as a member of Board of Studies in Department of Economics, Assam University Silchar (A Central University), Assam, from 2016-2019.

Sunil Nautiyal served as a Member of Research Advisory Committee of Indian Plywood Industries Research and Training Institute (IPIRTI), Autonomous Body of Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of India. Bangalore (2014-2017)

Sunil Nautiyal served as a Member of Expert Committee for creation of database on climate change of the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Govt. of India, (2009-2010)

Countries visited

Japan, Germany, China, USA, Canada, Norway; Russia; Italy; Taiwan; Costa Rica; Bangladesh, Sri Lanka; Austria, Nepal and others for research work/research collaboration and/ delivering lectures/ participation and presentation in seminar/workshops and collaborative research meetings

Dr. Sunil Nautiyal (on Deputation)
Professor, CEENR
Institute for Social and Economic Change
Nagarabhavi P.O. BANGALORE-560072, India
Tel : Office 080-23215468, 23215519 Ext.-246
Fax : 080-23217008

 Dr. Sunil Nautiyal (on Deputation)
Professor, CEENRInstitute for Social and Economic Change
Nagarabhavi P.O. BANGALORE-560072, India
Tel : Office 080-23215468, 23215519 Ext.-246
Fax : 080-23217008

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