Parmod Kumar
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Professor and Head, Agriculture Development and Rural Transformation Centre (ADRTC)
Area of Specialisation
Agricultural Economics;
Environment Economics;
Rural Development;
Development Economics
Academic Qualification
Post-Doctorate in Economics – Sir Rattan Tata Fellow, Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi, 2004-06. Title: Contract Farming in India: Options and Implications for Small and Large Farmers.
Ph.D. in Economics from Centre for the Studies of Regional Development, JNU, New Delhi, 1997. Title of Thesis: Farm Size and Marketing Efficiency in Agriculture: An Analysis of Selected Markets and Crops in Haryana.
M.Phil. in Economics from Centre for the Studies of Regional Development, JNU, New Delhi, 1992. Title of Dissertation: New Technology and Income Distribution in Agriculture: A Case Study of Two Villages in Haryana.
Masters in Economics from Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana (First Class), 1989.
1. Vijay Paul Sharma, Parmod Kumar, Nilabja Ghosh, D.K. Grover and Usha Tuteja (2018); Glimpses of Indian Agriculture (Eds); Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
2. Urbans Benywanira and Parmod Kumar (2017); Adaptation to Climate Variability and Change for Improving Agricultural Productivity and Food Security; Social and Economic Change Monograph Number 50, ISBN: 81-7791-149-X, March 2017; Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore.
3. Parmod Kumar and Dipanwita Chakraborthy (2016). ‘MGNREGA: Employment, Wages and Migration in Rural India’, Routledge – Taylor & Francis, London and New York.
4. Parmod Kumar and S. Mohanakumar (2016). ‘Indian Agriculture: Performance, Growth and Challenges; Essays in Honour of Professor Ramesh Sharma’ (Eds) Routledge -Taylor & Francis, London and New York.
5. Parmod Kumar, Surender Kumar and Laxmi Joshi (2015). ‘Socioeconomic and Environmental Implications of Agricultural Residue Burning: A Case Study of Punjab, India’,
6. Parmod Kumar (2013). ‘Demand and Supply of Agricultural Commodities in India’, Macmillan Publishers India Ltd, New Delhi.
7. Parmod Kumar and Sandip Sarkar (2012). ‘Economic Reforms and Small Farmers: Implication for Production, Marketing and Employment’, Academic Foundation, New Delhi.
8. Parmod Kumar (2010). ‘Targeted Public Distribution System: Performance and Inefficiencies’, Academic Foundation, New Delhi.
9. Parmod Kumar (2007). ‘Farm Size and Marketing Efficiency Pre and Post Liberalisation’, Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi.
10. Anil Sharma, Shashi Bramakar, Parmod Kumar and Santosh Kumar (2004). The Kisan Credit Card Scheme: Impact, Weaknesses and Further Reforms’, NCAER, New Delhi.
11. Anil Sharma, Nilabja Ghosh and Parmod Kumar (2001). ‘A Policy Model for Open Market Operations of Wheat’, NCAER, New Delhi.
1. Parmod Kumar (2018). Contract Farming Enabling Access to Market: A Case of Oil Palm in Karnataka – (A Theme Paper); Indian Journal of Agriculture Marketing, Vol., 32(1), pp. 1-20.
2. Parmod Kumar and Arifa Sultana (2017). Role of Various Beneficial Schemes in Vogue to Promote Agricultural Marketing; Recommendations of 31st Annual Conference of the ISAM held at Bhubaneswar, Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing (Conf Special), Vol., 31(3), pp. 136-137.
3.Barun Deb Pal, Parmod Kumar and PK Joshi (2018). Prioritizing Climate Smart Technologies in Agriculture – A Case Study of Madhya Pradesh in India; in Climate Smart Agriculture in South Asia – Technologies, Policies and Institutions by Barun Deb Pal, Avinash Kishore, Parmod Kumar Joshi and N.K. Tyagi; Springer Nature Singapore.
4. Parmod Kumar (2018). Employment Generation Under MGNREGA: A Spatial and Temporal Performance Across States; in Employment Guarantee Programme and Dynamics of Rural Transformation in India: Challenges and Opportunities; by Bhattarai, M., Viswanathan, P.K., Mishra, R.N., Bantilan, C. (Eds.), Springer Nature Singapore Pvt. Ltd.
5. Parmod Kumar (2018). National Horticulture Mission Scheme Impact Evaluation; in Glimpses of Indian Agriculture (Eds); Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
6. Parmod Kumar (2018). Impact of MGNREGA on Wage Rate, Food Security and Rural Urban Migration; in Glimpses of Indian Agriculture (Eds); Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
7. Vijay Paul Sharma, Parmod Kumar, Nilabja Ghosh, D.K. Grover and Usha Tuteja (2018); Overview of Emerging Trends in Indian Agriculture; in Glimpses of Indian Agriculture (Eds); Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
8. Arjunan Subramanian and
Parmod Kumar (2017); ‘The Impact of Price Policy on Demand for Alcohol in Rural India’, Social Science & Medicine Journal Elsevier, Vol. 191, Issue C, 176-185.
9. Parmod Kumar (2017); Supply Response Function in Indian Agriculture; in Changing Contours of Indian Agriculture: Investment, Income and Nonfarm Employment; by Seema Bathla and Amaresh Dubey (Eds.), Springer.
10. Parmod Kumar (2017); Agro Industry, Agricultural Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Agri-Business, Trade and Innovations: Summaries of Group Discussion; Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Volume 72, No. 1, January-March, pp. 76-80.
11. Gana Shruthy M.K. and Parmod Kumar (2017); The Major Factors Influencing Productivity of Coffee: A Study of Kodagu District in Karnataka; Arthshastra: Indian Journal of Economics and Research, Volume 6, Issue 2, March-April, pp. 20-08.
12. Barun Deb Pal and Parmod Kumar (2017); Prioritizing Climate Smart Agriculture in Tribal Dominated Agrarian Society: A Case Study of Madhya Pradesh; in Agriculture Under Climate Change: Threat, Strategies and Policies by Balavadi V.V., Kharaba N., and Gangadarappa N., Allied Publishers Pvt Ltd, New Delhi.
13. Gana Shruthy M.K., Parmod Kumar and Jyothi Pravin Yadav (2016). ‘Sustainable Coffee Marketing: Challenges and the Way Forward’; Indian Journal of Marketing, Vol 46, Number 1, January; pp. 35-48.
14. Parmod Kumar (2016), Rapporteur’s Report on Agro Industry, Agricultural Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Agri Business, Trade and Innovations. Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 71, No. 3, July-Sept, pp. 428-432.
15. Parmod Kumar (2016). ‘Estimation of Income and Price Elasticities Using Almost Ideal Demand System’; In Decision Support System in Agriculture Using Quantitative Analysis, Edited by Rajni Jain and S S Raju, Agrotech Publishing Academy, Udaipur.
16. Surender Kumar and Parmod Kumar (2016). ‘Economic Impact of Air Pollution from Agricultural Residue Burning on Human Health’; In S. Nautiyal et al. (eds.), Climate Change Challenge (3C) and Social-Economic-Ecological Interface-Building, Environmental Science and Engineering; Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
17. Parmod Kumar (2016). ‘Energy Generation by Use of Crop Stubble in Punjab’; In S. Nautiyal et al. (eds.), Climate Change Challenge (3C) and Social-Economic-Ecological Interface-Building, Environmental Science and Engineering; Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
18. Parmod Kumar (2016). ‘Global Food Security: Issues and Challenges’; In Parmod Kumar and S. Mohanakumar, Indian Agriculture: Performance, growth and challenges: Essays in honour of Ramesh Kumar Sharma (edited); Routledge, London and New York.
19. Elumalai Kannan, Parmod Kumar, Kedar Vishnu and Hanna Abraham (2015). Assessment of Pre and Post-Harvest losses of Rice and Red Gram in Karnataka; Agriculture Situation in India, Vol., LXXII, No. 9, pp. 101-105.
20. Kedar Vishnu and Parmod Kumar (2014). ‘Food Retail Chain as an Alternate Marketing Channel in India’, Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing, Conf Spcl, 27 (3), Sept-December, pp.34-42.
21. Komol Singha and
Parmod Kumar (2014). ‘Public Spending and Rural Livelihood in India: A Study of MGNREGA’, In A. K. Bhandari and A. Kundu (eds.), Microflnance, Risk-taking Behaviour and Rural Livelihood, Springer.
22. Parmod Kumar (2013). Production, Employment, Marketing and On Farm Processing: A Case of Selected Horticultural Crops in Karnataka, Agriculture Situation in India, LXX, No. 9, December.
23. Parmod Kumar and Laxmi Joshi (2013). ‘Pollution Caused by Agricultural Waste Burning and Possible Alternate Uses of Crop Stubble: A Case Study of Punjab’ In S. Nautiyal et al. (eds.), Knowledge Systems of Societies for Adaptation and Mitigation of Impacts of Climate Change, Environmental Science and Engineering, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
24. Ganeshagouda I. Patil, Parmod Kumar, A. V. Manjunatha, Vijayachandra Reddy S., P Ramsundaram (2013). ‘Impact of KSAMBS’ free SMS to farmers on agricultural marketing prices – a case study in Karnataka (India)’ Science Discovery. Science Publishing Group; 1(3): 28-34, July 10.
25. Parmod Kumar and S. K. Singh (2012). ‘Consumption Smoothing and Insurance Against the Income Risks: A Case of India’ Indian Economic Review, Vol XLVII, No 2, July-Dec.
26. Anjani Kumar, Parmod Kumar and AN Sharma (2012). ‘Crop Diversification in Eastern India: Status and Determinants’ Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol 67(4), Oct-Dec.
27. Parmod Kumar and Laxmi Joshi (2012). ‘Existing Legislation on Air Pollution and Punjab Government Policy on Agriculture Waste Burning’ Indian Journal of Environment Protection, Vol 32, No. 4, April.
28. Parmod Kumar (2011). ‘Structure of Markets and Prices in Agriculture: Empirical Findings from Punjab and Bihar; Margin-The Journal of Applied Economic Research, Vol 5, Number 2.
29. Parmod Kumar (2010). ‘Functioning of the Public Distribution System in India: An Empirical Evaluation” Outlook on Agriculture, Vol 39 (3), September.
30. Parmod Kumar (2010). ‘Market Structure, Conduct and Performance: Empirical Findings from Six States in India’ Key Note Paper, Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing, Vol 24, No 3, September-December.
31. Parmod Kumar (2010). ‘Food Security: The Challenges for Agriculture in India, Agricultural Situation in India, Vol LXVII, Number 9, December 2010.
32. Parmod Kumar and Narendra Singh (2010). ‘Redefining the Role of Government in the Context of Improving Agri-Marketing Efficiency’ – Major Recommendation by the Chairman and the Rapporteur, 24th National Conference on Agricultural Marketing of ISAM held on 23-25 November, 2010, Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing, Vol 24, No 3, September-December.
33. Parmod Kumar (2009). ‘Resource Provision, Productivity and Contract Farming: A Case Study of Punjab’; in Gulati, Ashok, P.K. Joshi and Maurice Landes, (ed), ‘Contract Farming in India: A Resource Book’, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), ICAR and USDA
34. Parmod Kumar (2007). ‘Diversification through Contract Farming: A Case Study of Punjab’; In R.S Deshpande, (ed), “Contract Farming and Tenancy Reforms”, Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi.
35. Parmod Kumar (2006). ‘Inter Commodity Price Linkages in India: A Case of Foodgrains, Oilseeds and Edible Oils’, ‘Journal of International and Area Studies’ Vol. 13(1), June.
36. Parmod Kumar (2006). ‘Contract Farming through Agri Business Firms and State Corporation: A Case Study in Punjab’, ‘Economic and Political Weekly’, Vol. XLI, No. 52, December 30.
37. Parmod Kumar and Anil Sharma (2006). ‘Price Variability and its Determinants: An Analysis of Major Foodgrains in India’, Indian Economic Review, Vol 41(2).
38. Parmod Kumar (2006). ‘Employment and Earning Patterns in Farming and Non-farming Activities: Empirical Evidences from Punjab and Bihar’, The Indian Journal of Labour Economics, Vol. 49, No 4, Oct-Dec.
39. Parmod Kumar and Anil Sharma (2006). ‘Perennial Crop Supply Response Functions: Case of Indian Rubber, Tea and Coffee’, ‘Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics’ Vol. 61, No. 4, Oct-Dec.
40. Parmod Kumar, B.K. Pradhan and A. Subramanian (2005). ‘Farmland Prices in a Developing Economy: Some Stylised Facts and Determinants’, ‘Journal of International and Area Studies’, Vol. 12(2), December.
41. Ramesh Chand and Parmod Kumar (2004). ‘Determinants of Capital Formation and Agricultural Growth: Some New Explorations; Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 39, No. 52, December 25-31.
42. Parmod Kumar (2004). ‘Production, Exports and Pattern of Value Addition of Livestock and Poultry Products in India’, Indian Jorunal of Agricultural Marketing, Vol. 18(3), Oct.-Dec.
43. Parmod Kumar and R.K.Sharma (2003). ‘Spatial Price Integration and Pricing Efficiency at the Farm Level: A Study of Paddy in Haryana’, Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 58(2), April-June.
44. Parmod Kumar and R.K.Sharma (2000). ‘Market Integration and Marketing Efficiency of Wheat in Haryana’, Indian Journal of Quantitative Economics, Vol. 15(1), Jan-June.
45. Parmod Kumar (1999). ‘Marketed Surplus of Different Crops Across Farm Size: A Study in Haryana’, Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 54(4), Oct-Dec.
46. Parmod Kumar (1998). ‘Price Differentials Across Farm Size: A Case of Haryana’, Anvesak, Vol. 28(2), July-Dec.
47. Parmod Kumar (2010). ‘Economic Reforms and Rural Livelihood: Empirical Findings from Punjab and Bihar’; in Elumalai Kannan and G.B. Lokesh, (ed), ‘Inclusive Agricultural Growth: Regional Perspective’, Proceedings of National Workshop under NAIP, Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore.
Contract Farming System in Punjab: An Appraisal’ by B.K. Pattanaik, Kesar Singh, Sukhvinder Singh and Madan Mohan Singh, published by the Centre for Research in Rural and Industrial Development, Chandigarh – Book Review published in Economic and Political Weekly, Vol 44 (50), December 12-18, 2009.
‘Coalitions of Interest: Partnerships for Processes of Agricultural Change’, By Ruth Alsop, Elon Gilbert, John Farrington and Rajiv Khandelwal; Sage Publication – Book Review published in Margin, Vol. 34(1), Oct-Dec. 2001
‘Contract Farming in India: Options and Implications for Small and Large Farmers’ Working Paper Series No. E/267/2006, Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi. (Parmod Kumar).
‘Inter Commodity Price Linkages in India: A Case of Foodgrains, Oilseeds and Edible Oils’ Discussion Paper Series No. 103/2006, Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi. (Parmod Kumar).
Recent presentation of papers for international conferences and workshops
International Conferences
1. Visited Switzerland for ‘Evaluation of Global Food Value Chains concerning Sustainability: Development of a Methodology and Case Studies of Indian Products with Swiss Target Market, jointly funded by ICSSR and UNIL, as a joint research programme of Indian Council of Social Science Research and UNIL as Associate Leading House of the Indo-Swiss Joint Research Programme in the Social Sciences during 29 Nov-10 Dec 2017. Presented a paper titled, ‘Agriculture in India: Performance and Challenges’ in a Special Seminar organized by Indo-Swiss Joint Research Programme in the Social Sciences Scholar Exchange Grants (SEG), ZHAW Life Sciences and Facility Management, Wadenswil Campus Gruental, on 5th December 2017.
2. Led a delegation of 6 Scholars from ISEC to China to attend 6th China India Forum jointly organized by Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences, Institute for Social and Economic Change and International Management Institute from 13-14 September, 2017 in Chengdu, People’s Republic of China. Presented a Paper titled, Agriculture Growth in China and India: A Comparative Study.
3. Presented a Paper titled, Evaluation of Global Food Value Chains concerning Sustainability: Development of a Methodology and Case Studies of Indian Products with Swiss Target Market, in joint Seminar by ICSSR and UNIL, as a joint research programme of Indian Council of Social Science Research and UNIL as Associate Leading House of the Indo-Swiss Joint Research Programme in the Social Sciences at Hotel Euler, Basel, Switzerland on 4-6 September 2017.
4. Two days International Workshop on ‘Economic opportunities for a better future Leveraging agriculture, innovation and financial inclusion’ Co-organised by the DFID-ESRC Growth Research Programme (DEGRP) and the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) during 28-29 October 2016, at Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya.
5. DFID-ESRC Growth Research Programme (DEGRP) grant holder workshop organised by ODI at 203 Blackfriars Road, London during 13-14 July 2016. Presented the work progress on Project, ‘Information, Market Creation and Agriculture Growth’ along with the team from Glasgow University.
6. Visited OECD Paris (March 1-9, 2014) for drafting a special Chapter titled, Feeding India: Prospects and Challenges in the Next Decade; in the OECD FAO Outlook 2014-2023 along with OECD_FAO Team. Presented a paper titled, Estimating Demand and Supply Systems: A Methodological Note, in a Special Seminar organized by OECD Paris on March 5, 2014.
‘7. Trends in Area, Production and Productivity of Food Crops – Various Country Comparisons”, – A Paper presented in the 14th Western China International Fair titled, “Opening-up, Cooperation and Economic Growth” Organized by 2013 China India Forum, Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation, Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences, 21st Century China India Center for Culture and Communication and Institute for Social and Economic Change, India at Chengdu, China on 25-26 October 2013.
8. `Impact of Mahatma Gandhi National Employment Guarantee Act on Rural Livelihood in India’ in the International Conference held at the University of Sistan and Baluchistan, Iran, from 14-16 February, 2012 jointly by Chengappa, P. G., Kumar, Parmod and Nagaraj, N.
9. ‘Valuing the Health Effects of Air Pollution from Agricultural Residue Burning” in the CERDI International Conference on Environment and Natural Resources Management in Developing and Transition Economies, organized at Clermont Ferrand, France on 18 – 19 November 2010 (Parmod Kumar and Surender Kumar);
10. ‘International and Internal Market Integration in Indian agriculture: A study of the Indian Rice Market’: Paper presented at a Workshop, Organized by the ‘University of Melbourne’ on 8th February, 2007;
11. ‘Market Integration in Indian agriculture with the World Market: A case study of Rice’: Paper presented at the ‘51st Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Conference’ held in Queenstown, New Zealand during February 13-16, 2007 (jointly with Prof. Sisira Jayasuriya and Dr. J.H.Kim).
12. A revised version of the above paper was presented in the 106th European Association of Agricultural Economics Seminar, ‘Pro-poor development in low income countries: Food, agriculture, trade, and environment,’ held on 25-27 October 2007 at Montpellier, France.
13. ‘Commercialisation of Indian Agriculture and its Implications for Small and Large Farmers: A Case Study of Punjab’ – Paper presented in an International Seminar organized by ‘FAO in Rome during 4-5 May, 2005.
Professional Recognitions, Awards, Fellowships Received
IDRC India Social Science Research Award 2009
Sir Ratan Tata Fellowship for the period 2004-06.
Visiting Fellow to United States under the ‘International Visitors Program’ sponsored by United States Government, during July 2002.
Other Professional Affiliations
Empanelled as Visiting Professor in Economics for Deputation to ICCR Chair Abroad by the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR), New Delhi.
Visiting Scholar to OECD-FAO Paris; Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), Institute of Natural Resource Sciences, Switzerland.
Sir Ratan Tata Fellow at Institute of Economic Growth, University of Delhi.
Visiting Fellow to United States under the ‘International Visitors Program’ sponsored by United States Government.
Attended ‘Summer School on Advanced Econometrics’ in ISI Calcutta for three weeks.
Other Academic Achievements
Member of Editorial Board of the Journal, ‘Agricultural situation in India’
Member of Executive Body, Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing
Managing editor, ‘Journal of Social and Economic Development
Member of Planning Commission Working Group on Crop Husbandry, Agricultural Inputs, Demand and Supply Projections and Agricultural Statistics for the 12th Five Year Plan.
Chairperson for the current Working Group on Demand and Supply constituted by NITI Aayog for the period up to 2032.
Regular referee for various International and National Journals
Examiner for Ph. D/M Phil Thesis submitted in JNU and Central and State Universities.
Discussant for various seminar series.
Rapporteurs for the Technical Sessions in various seminars.
Participated on Doordarshan and other T.V Programmes.
Impact Study of the National Horticulture Mission Scheme – Project sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperation, New Delhi.
Impact of NREGA on Wage Rates, Cost of Production, Food Security and Rural Urban Migration – Project sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperation, New Delhi.
Policy instruments to address air pollution issues in agriculture – Implications for Happy Seeder Technology Adoption in India – Project sponsored by the Australian Council of International Agricultural Research (ACIAR).
Professor and Head,
Agriculture Development and Rural Transformation Centre (ADRTC)
Institute for Social and Economic Change
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