Ageing and well-being in a globalizing world
The overarching objective of this proposal is to engage a multidisciplinary international network of well-established and early career researchers to address critically important demographic issues in India, UK and Netherlands, at the intersection of two themes within the India-Europe network call: ‘population, ageing and migration’ and ‘health and well-being’.
Our objective is to examine ageing and well-being in a globalized world through the:
- Comparison of demographic scenarios on ageing in India, UK and Netherlands, and linking them to social policy
- Situation of ageing and exchange of care in the context of global migration, with a specific focus on the well-being of people ‘left behind’
- Examination of the extent of intergenerational exchanges and the transmission of health vulnerabilities between generations, particularly in co-residential households
- Application of a participatory research approach for knowledge transfer, by including relevant societal stakeholders.
Collaborating Groups / Centres
Population Research Centre | Prof. K. S. James, Dr. T. S. Syamala, Dr. Lekha Subaiya, |
Center for Development Studies, Trivandrum, Kerala | Prof. S Irudaya Rajan, C Dr. U. S. Mishra, |
Population Research Centre, University of Groningen, | Prof. Inge Hutter, Dr Ajay Bailey, Dr. Meredith Tavener, Dr. Hinke Haisma, |
Centre for Research on Ageing and ESRC Centre for Population Change, University of Southampton, | Prof. Maria Evandrou, Dr Aravinda Guntupalli, Dr Vicky Hosegood, Dr Sabu Padmadas, Dr. Athina Vlachantoni, |