Institute for Social and Economic Change

Established in 1972 by Professor V K R V Rao, ISEC is an All-India Institute for Interdisciplinary Research and Training in the Social Sciences

D Rajasekhar – isec

D Rajasekhar

Director, ISEC

D Rajasekhar

 Google Scholar

Dr. D Rajasekhar is currently Director of ISEC, he was HAG Professor at the Centre for Decentralisation and Development at the Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bengaluru, India. He was visiting scholar at the Universities of Hitotsubashi, Oxford, Melbourne, Sussex and at the Centre for Development Research, Copenhagen. He was Abdul Nazir Sab Chair Professor at the Centre for Multi-Disciplinary Research, Dharwad, Karnataka. He has worked extensively on decentralisation, delivery of public services, social protection, microfinance and local organisations. He has published 29 books/ monographs, and over 100 papers in various journals, as book chapters and working papers. He has served in policy bodies constituted by the governments of India and Karnataka. 

Dr. Rajasekhar obtained Ph.D degree in Economics from the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi (through Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram) and has been working at ISEC since 1990. He has organised and conducted capacity development programmes for the representatives of decentralized government, cooperatives and civil society institutions, donors, government and banks, and has also served as a resource person for the government, donors and NGOs in India and central Asia. His areas of specialisation are decentralisation, delivery of public services, poverty reduction, social protection, micro-finance, local organisations, NGOs and Child Labour.

Academic Qualification

Obtained Ph.D. degree in Economics from the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, in 1994. The Ph.D. dissertation was on ‘Economic Mobility of Rural Households: A Study of Kurnool District in Andhra Pradesh, c.1860-1989’.

Obtained M.Phil. degree in Applied Economics (with A- grade) from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi in 1986. M.Phil. dissertation was on ‘Land Transfers and Family Partitioning’.

Obtained bachelors and masters degree in Economics with first class from Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India, in 1980 and 1982, respectively.


Awarded Sanjaya Lall prize to the paper on ‘Collusion, Co-option and Capture: Social Accountability and Social Audits in Karnataka, India’ (together with Salim Lakha and R Manjula) published in the journal of Oxford Development Studies for its contribution to Development Studies.

Best paper award by the International Labour Organisation for the paper on Health Insurance as Social Innovation for Farmers in Cooperatives: Lessons from Yeshasvini in Karnataka, India presented in Asia Pacific (ICA-AP) research conference on Cooperatives: The key solution for Social Innovation held at Sungkonghoe University, Seoul, South Korea, during November 10-12, 2017.

Awarded doctoral fellowship by ICSSR, New Delhi, for undertaking PhD research during the period 1986 to 1999.

Awarded National merit scholarship during 1980-81 to 1981-82 for marks secured in the graduation.

Area of Specialisation

Decentralisation, Poverty Reduction, Development through and Interface among Local Organisations, Micro Finance, Social Security for Unorganised Workers and Child Labour.

Policy Advisory Positions

Member, Working Group on ‘Decentralisation Reforms in Karnataka in 2001-02’, (set up by the Government of Karnataka) (2001-2002).

Member, Committee of ‘Institutional Reforms for Community-Based Rehabilitation of Irrigation Tanks’, Government of Karnataka (2003-06).

Member, Committee on “Social Protection Policy”, Planning Commission, Government of India (2006-07).

Member, Minimum Wages Board constituted by the Government of Karnataka

Member, Expert Group, Result Framework Document for Labour Department, Government of Karnataka (2012-13 to 2015-16)

Member, Committee to prepare policy on Skill Development, Government of Karnataka.

Member, International Cooperative Alliance – Research Group, Asia-Pacific Region.

Visiting Scholar/ Chair Professor/ Visits for outreach activities

Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan

University of Oxford, UK

University of Melbourne, Australia

Institute of Development Studies (IDS), Sussex, UK

Centre for Development Research, Denmark.
Abdul Nazir Sab Chair Professor at CMDR, Dharwad during 2014-15.

Membership in Board of Studies

Research Advisory Committee, NIRD PR, Hyderabad.

Board of Studies in Rural Development, SK University, Ananthapur.

Board of Studies in Economics, Central University of Karnataka, Gulbarga.

Board of Studies in Development Studies, Utkal University, Odisha.

Membership held in Professional Bodies

International Association of Agricultural Economics

Indian Econometrics Society

Indian Society of Agricultural Economics

AP Economics Association

Indian Society of Labour Economics


Women Leadership, Governance and Allocation of Public Goods in Karnataka (India) with Takashi Kurusoki (Hitosubashi University, Japan), Yuko Mori (Tsuda University, Japan), R Manjula (ISEC) and Jun Goto (Kobe University, Japan).

The purpose of this project is to investigate whether the improved representation of women in GPs contributes to their participation, inclusive governance, and better allocation of public goods. Specific objectives are to i) examine the links between women leadership, governance, and the provision of public goods, and ii) analyse the association between the performance of women leaders and voting behaviour and electoral outcomes.

Decentralisation and Equity in public services: Evidence using drinking water andstreetlights, 
with Erlend Berg (University of Bristol) and R Manjula (ISEC).

In this research project, the issues of coverage, effectiveness and equity in public service provision by the decentralised government are taken up for an analysis in the Indian state of Karnataka. We look at two key public services, both within the responsibility of local governments at the village and district levels: drinking water and streetlights. The following questions are addressed. Are Grama Panchayats (GPs) delivering effective and equitable drinking water and streetlight services? What factors influence the delivery of these services? It is argued that the functioning of and equity in the provision of public services differed across these two public services, and this can be attributed to the nature of public goods.

Increasing enrolment and savings in a long-term pension savings product, 
with Santosh Kesavan, R Manjula and Erlend Berg

The primary research question is whether enrolment and savings in Atal Pension Yojana (APY) amongst villagers in Karnataka and Odisha can be increased if the eligible unorganized worker households are provided with information, mobile payment services at the village level and financial incentives. By adopting Randomised Controlled Trial (RCT), the study aims to provide evidence based research findings on which of the policies work in encouraging enrolment and savings.

Information and health insurance for the poor,
 with Erlend Berg (University of Bristol), Maitreesh Ghatak (LSE), R Manjula (ISEC) and Sanchari Roy (Kings College, London).

This randomised field trial in 300 Karnataka villages resulted in a paper in the top-ranked international publication The Economic Journal. As a sequel to this, a new study on Disentangling Channels of Information Dissemination in Healthcare Delivery in Rural India is undertaken. We propose to study and disentangle information dissemination mechanisms by training ASHA workers on Ayushman Bharat, which they will then disseminate among the target beneficiaries of the scheme. The proposed research questions are: i) Are information flows across social groups impeded due to stronger preferences towards members of own group or due to higher costs of communicating with members of other groups? And ii) Can financial incentives mitigate either or both these effects?

Understanding these questions constitutes a key step in designing policies to overcome the negative consequences of poor information flow, especially in a highly socially stratified society like India.

Corruption and service delivery in NREG, with Erlend Berg (University of Bristol) and R Manjula.

This randomised controlled trial looks at correlation between corruption and the quality of service delivery in the National Rural Employment Guarantee. We also randomly allocate anti-corruption strategies to the 150 Karnataka villages in the sample in order to test the relative efficacy.


1. D Rajasekhar (ed.). Handbook of Decentralised Governance and Development in India, Routledge: Oxon, UK and New York, 2022 (forthcoming).

2 . D Rajasekhar, R Manjula and M Devendra Babu (eds.). Decentralisation in Contemporary India: Status, Issues and the Way Forward. Routledge: Oxon, UK and New York, 2022 (forthcoming).

3 . D Rajasekhar, R Manjula and T Paranjothi (eds.), Cooperatives and Social Innovation: The experiences from the Asia Pacific Region, Springer, Singapore 2020.

4. D Rajasekhar, M Devendra Babu and R Manjula (eds.), Decentralised Government, Cooperatives and Rural Development, Rawat, Jaipur, 2020.

5. D Rajasekhar, M Devendra Babu and R Manjula. Decentralised Governance, Development Programmes and Elite Capture, Springer, Singapore, 2018.

6. G Sreedhar and D Rajasekhar. Rural Development in India: Strategies and Processes,Concept, New Delhi, 2014.

7. N Jayaram and D Rajasekhar (eds.). Vulnerability and Globalisation: Perspectives and Analyses from India, Rawat Publications: Jaipur, 2012.

8. D Rajasekhar, K G Gayathri Devi and V Anil Kumar. Institutional Design for Tackling the Problem of Child Labour, Concept, New Delhi, 2011.

9. D Rajasekhar, Gagan Bihari Sahu, K H Anantha. Growing Rural-Urban Disparity in Karnataka, Serials Publications, New Delhi, 2010.

10. D Rajasekhar, K G Gayathridevi and Sachidananda Satpathy. Good Governance and Poverty Alleviation: A Study of SGSY Programme, Concept, New Delhi, 2007.

11. D Rajasekhar, R Manjula, Suchitra J Y and Sanjiv Kumar. Child Labour in Bidar and Chamarajanagar Districts: Status Report and Ways Forward, ILO, New Delhi, 2007.

12. D Rajasekhar, N L Narasimha Reddy and Suchitra J Y. Effectiveness of Micro-Finance Programmes in Reducing Vulnerability to Debt Bondage in Andhra Pradesh, ILO, Geneva, 2006.

13. D Rajasekhar, Suchitra J Y, Madheswaran S and G K Karanth. Design and Management of Social Security Benefits for Unorganised Workers in Karnataka, GTZ, New Delhi, 2006.

14. D Rajasekhar, N Krishne Gowda and R Manjula. Impact of Bank Interest Rates on SHG Members, Concept, New Delhi, 2006.

15. R S Deshpande, D Rajasekhar, Pradeep Apte and Dhanamanjari Sathe. State of the Indian Farmer: NGOs and Farmers’ Movements, Academic Foundation, New Delhi, 2004.

16. D Rajasekhar. Poverty Alleviation Strategies of NGOs, Concept, New Delhi, 2004.

17. D Rajasekhar and R R Biradar. (eds.) Reluctant Partners Coming Together? The Interface between Government, NGOs and People, Concept, New Delhi, 2004.

18. K V Raju, G K Karanth, M J Bhende, D Rajasekhar and K G Gayathri Devi. Rejuvenating Tanks: A Socio-Ecological Approach, Books for Change, Bangalore, 2003.

19. D Rajasekhar. (ed.) Decentralised Government and NGOs: Issues, Strategies and Ways Forward, Concept, New Delhi, 1999.

20. D Rajasekhar. (ed.) Indian Rural Economy in Transition, Printwell, Jaipur, 1998.

21. D Rajasekhar, Neil Webster and M K Bhat. People Centered Rural Development: NGDOs and Decentralised Government, ISEC, CDR, BCO and NOVIB, Bangalore, 1995.

22. D Rajasekhar. Savings and Credit Systems of the Poor: Some Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) Experiences, NOVIB & HIVOS, Bangalore, 1994.

23. Sabyasachi Bhattacharya, Sumit Guha, D Rajasekhar, Raman Mahadevan, Sakthi Padi and G N Rao (eds.). South Indian Economy: Agrarian Change, Industrial Structure and State Policy, c.1914-c.1947, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 1991.

24. D Rajasekhar. Land Transfers and Family Partitioning: A Historical Study of an Andhra Village, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., and Centre for Development Studies, Trivandrum, 1988.

1. D Rajasekhar, M Devenda Babu and R Manjula. Institutions, Governance and Development: A Study of Selected Grama Panchayats in Karnataka, ISEC monograph No.52, 2017.

2. D Rajasekhar, N. Billava and Nayanatara Nayak. Improving the Knowledge on the Functioning of Decentralized Governance: A Study of Grama Panchayat Past Presidents in Dharwad District. CMDR, Dharwad, 2017

3. D Rajasekhar, M Devenda Babu and R Manjula. Improving the Delivery of Social Security Benefits in Karnataka, ISEC Monograph 47, 2016.

4. D Rajasekhar and R Manjula. Decentralised Governance and Service Delivery: Affordability of Drinking Water Supply by Gram Panchayats in Karnataka, ISEC Monograph No.23, Bangalore, 2011.

5. D Rajasekhar. Micro-Finance, Poverty Alleviation and Empowerment of Women: A Study of Two NGOs from Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka, ISEC Monograph No. 4, 2004.

1. (Erlend Berg, D Rajasekhar and R Manjula). Pushing Welfare: Encouraging Awareness and Uptake of Social Benefits in South India. Economic Development and Cultural Change. 2022 (forthcoming).

2. D Rajasekhar Social Protection during the Covid-19 Lockdown time in Karnataka, Arthike Charche: FPI Journal of Economics and Governance, Vol. 5, No. 2, July – Decemeber, 2020.

3. D Rajasekhar and R Manjula. ‘Ensuring Food Security’, The Cooperator, Vol 57, No.10, pp. 35-36, April – August, 2020.

4. (Erlend Berg, Maitreesh Ghatak, R Manjula, D Rajasekhar & Sanchari Roy). Motivating Knowledge Agents: Can Incentive Pay Overcome Social Distance? The Economic Journal, Vol. 129 (January) 2019.

5. (D Rajasekhar). Economic Approaches and Benefits of Microfinance in India, Aarthika Charche FPI Journal of Economics & Governance, Vol 4 No.1, 2019.

6. (D Rajasekhar, M Devendra Babu and R Manjula) Quality of Governance in Grama Panchayats; Evidence from Karnataka, Journal of Rural Development, 37 (4), 2018.

7. (Erlend Berg, Sambit Bhattacharyya, D Rajasekhar and R Manjula). Can Public Works Increase Equilibrium Wages? Evidence from India’s National Rural Employment Guarantee, World Development, 103: 239-254, 2018.

8. (D Rajasekhar, Santosh Kesavan and R Manjula). ‘Are Our Contributory Pension Schemes Failing the Poor?’ Economic and Political Weekly, Vol.52, Issue No.27, 8th July 2017.

9. (D Rajasekhar, R Manjula and Suchitra J Y). Can Micro-Finance promote Livelihoods and reduce Vulnerability among Adivasis? A study of some NGO interventions from Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Social Change, 47 (1), pp. 1-16, 2017

10. (Salim Lakha, D Rajasekhar and R Manjula). Collusion, Cooption and Capture: Social accountability and Social Audits in Karnataka, India, Oxford Development Studies, 43 (3), pp 330-348, 2015.

This paper has been awarded Professor Sanjaya Lall prize as best paper for its contribution to development studies.

11. (D Rajasekhar, G Sreedhar, R Manjula, R R Biradar and N L Narasimha Reddy). Is There a Case to Extend Social Pension Schemes to all Unorganised Workers? Evidence from Karnataka, The Grassroots Governance Journal, Vol.12, No.2 July-December, 2014.

12. (R Manjula and D Rajasekhar). How did Grama Panchayats perform in Own Revenue Mobilisation? Lessons from Karnataka, The Grassroots Governance Journal, Vol.10, No.2, July-December 2013.

13. (D Rajasekhar, Salim Lakha and R Manjula). ‘How Effective are Social Audits under MGNREGS? Lessons from Karnataka’, Sociological Bulletin, 62 (3), September-December, pp. 431-455, 2013.

14. (D Rajasekhar, R Manjula, Suchitra J Y and Sanjeev Kumar). ‘Vocational Education for Adolescent Workers: Some Policy Options’, Social Work Chronicle, Vol.2, Issue 1, 2013.

15. (D Rajasekhar and R Manjula). ‘Affordability of Streetlight Services by Gram Panchayats in Karnataka: Status, Determinants and Ways Forward’, Journal of Rural Development, Vol.31 (4): 419-434, 2012.

16. (D Rajasekhar, M Devendra Babu and R Manjula). ‘Are Checks and Balances in MGNREGS Effective?’ The Indian Journal of Social Work, Vol.73, Issue 4, October, 2012.

17. (D Rajasekhar). ‘Local Self-Government in India: An Overview’, Management Review, Vol.6, Issue No.1, July, 2012.

18. (Devendra Babu M, D Rajasekhar, R Manjula). ‘Role of Grama Sabha in the Implementation of MGNREGS: Field Insights from Karnataka’, The Grassroots Governance Journal, Vol.IX, No.2, July – December, 2011.

219. (D Rajasekhar and R Manjula). ‘Magnitude, Dimensions and Causes of Child Labour in Karnataka: A Secondary Source Review’, Indian Journal of Rural and Urban Development, Vol.1, Issue 1, 2011.

20. (D Rajasekhar, Erlend Berg, Maitreesh Ghatak, R Manjula and Sanchari Roy). ‘Implementing Health Insurance: The Rollout of Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana in Karnataka’, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol.XLVI, No.20, May 14, 2011.

21. .(D Rajasekhar). ‘Social Security for Unorganised Workers in India: Status and Issues’. The India Economy Review, Volume V, Quarterly Issue, September 30, 2008.

22. (D Rajasekhar, Suchitra J Y and R Manjula) ‘Women Workers in Urban Informal Employment: the Status of Agarbathi and Garment Workers in Karnataka’, Indian Journal of Labour Economics, December 2007.

23. (D Rajasekhar) ‘Non-Agricultural Employment for Young Women in India: Status, Opportunities and Way Forward’, Endeavour – Journal of Youth Development, Vol.1, No.1, January – June 2007.

24. (Suchitra J Y and D Rajasekhar) ‘One-Size-Does-Not-Fit-All: Employment Insecurity of Unorganised Workers in Karnataka’, The Indian Journal of Labour Economics, Vol.49, No.3, 2006.

25. (D Rajasekhar and R R Biradar) ‘Agrarian Structure and Occupational Diversification in Rural Karnataka: Emerging Issues’, Labour and Development, Vol.11-12, No.2&1, 2006.

26. (S Madheswaran, D Rajasekhar and K G Gayathridevi) ‘Production Relations, Employment and Wages: A Study of Beedi Industry in Karnataka’, The Indian Journal of Labour Economics, Vol.49, No.4, 2006.

27. (D Rajasekhar and Sachidananda Satapathy) ‘An Assessment of a Major Anti-Poverty Programme (SGSY) for Women in India’, Indian Development Review, Vol.4, No.2, 2006.

28. (V M Rao, D Rajasekhar and Suchitra J Y) ‘Putting the Cart Before a Non-Existent Horse’, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol.XLI, No.32, August 12-18, 2006.

29. (Gagan Bihari Sahu and D Rajasekhar) ‘Banking Sector Reform and Credit Flow to Indian Agriculture’, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol.XL, No.53, December 31, 2005 – January 6, 2006.

30. (V M Rao, D Rajasekhar and Suchitra J Y) ‘Unorganised Workers: Deprivation, Social Security Needs, Policy Implications’, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol.41, No.19, May 13, 2006.

31. (Gagan Bihari Sahu and D Rajasekhar) ‘Urban Bias in the Flow of Funds and Deposit Mobilisation: Evidence from Karnataka, India’, Savings and Development, Vol.XXIX, Issue:4, 2005.

32. (D Rajasekhar and K H Anantha)) ‘Benefits to the Beedi Workers of Karnataka: Role of Trade Unions’, Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol.41, No.3, January 2006.

33. (D Rajasekhar and S Madheswaran) ‘Statutory Benefits to Beedi Workers in Karnataka’, Indian Journal of Labour Economics, Vol.48, No.4, October-December, 2005.

34. (D Rajasekhar) ‘The Interface between Gram Panchayats and NGOs: Issues, Strategies and Ways Forward’, Journal of Karnataka Studies, No.2, May – October, 2004.

35. (Gagan Bihari Sahu, S Madheswaran and D Rajasekhar) Credit Constraints and Distress Sales in Rural India: Evidence from Kalahandi District, Orissa, The Journal of Peasant Studies, Vol.31, No.2, January 2004.

36. (D Rajasekhar and G Sreedhar) ‘Alternative Employment Opportunities for Women Beedi Workers: A Study in Dakshina Kannada District of Karnataka’, Journal of Rural Development, 21(4), October – December 2002.

37. (D Rajasekhar and G Sreedhar) ‘Changing Face of Beedi Industry in Karnataka’, Economic and Political Weekly, 37 (39), September 2002.

38. (D Rajasekhar) ‘Economic Programmes and Poverty Reduction: NGO Experiences from Tamil Nadu’, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol.XXXVII, No.29, July 20, 2002.

39. (D Rajasekhar) ‘Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in India: Opportunities and Challenges’, Journal of Rural Development, 19(2), April – June 2000.

40. (D Rajasekhar) ‘Micro Finance Programmes and Women’s Empowerment: A study of Two NGOs from Kerala, India’, Journal of Social and Economic Development, 3 (1), 2000.

41. (D Rajasekhar) ‘Rural Development Strategies of NGOs’, Journal of Social and Economic Development, 2 (1), 1999.

42. (D Rajasekhar) ‘Problems and Prospects of Group Lending in NGO Credit Programme in India’, Savings and Development, Issue No. 1, 1996.

43. (D Rajasekhar) ‘Pattern and Determinants of Rural Non-Farm Employment in Karnataka: A Disaggregated Analysis at District Level’, Agricultural Situation in India, August, 1996.

44. (G N Rao and D Rajasekhar) ‘Land Use Pattern and Agrarian Expansion in a Semi-Arid Region: Case of Rayalaseema in Andhra, 1886-1939’, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol.29, No.26, June, 1994.

45. (Vinod Vyasulu and D Rajasekhar) ‘Credit for Rural Development: Managerial Reforms in Indian Banks’, Development Policy Review, Vol.11, Issue 4, December, 1993 (U.K).

46. (D Rajasekhar and Vinod Vyasulu) ‘Managerial Changes, Rural Credit and Economic Development: A Study in Orissa’, Savings and Development, XVII, No. 2, 1993 (Italy).

47. (D Rajasekhar and Vinod Vyasulu) ‘Management Inputs and Credit Co-operatives: Lessons from a Field Survey of PACS’, Artha Vijnana, Vol. 35, No. 1, March 1993.

48. (A Indira, D Rajasekhar, Pooja Kaushik, Sukhpal Singh, Vinod Vyasulu) ‘Towards a Political Economy of Economic Policy Changes’, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol.26, No.38, September 21, 1991. Also reprinted as ‘Reflections on the Changing Indian Economy: Beyond July 1991’, in Panchamukhi (ed), Fiscal Management of the Indian Economy, Indian Economic Association Trust for Research and Development, 1992.

49. (D Rajasekhar and Vinod Vyasulu) ‘The Half-Life of Credit: Simulating Fund Flows in the Priority Sector’, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol.26, No.39, September 28, 1991.

50. (D Rajasekhar and G Suvarchala) ‘Institutional Credit and Overdues’, Economic and Political Weekly, 50 (7), July, 1991.

51. (D Rajasekhar and Vinod Vyasulu) ‘Rural Credit Delivery System: A Study in Pali District of Rajasthan’, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol.25, No.39, September 29, 1990; Reprinted in Surjeet Singh (ed.) Rural Credit: Issues for the Nineties, Oxford & IBH, New Delhi, 1991.

52. (Vinod Vyasulu and D Rajasekhar) ‘The Rural Credit System in the 1990s’, International Journal of Development Banking, Vol.9, No.1, January 1991; Reprinted in S N Chary and Vinod Vyasulu (eds), Management of India’s Planning, Printwell, Jaipur, 1991.

53. (D Rajasekhar) ‘Famines and Peasant Mobility: Changing Agrarian Structure in Kurnool District of Andhra Pradesh, c.1860-1900’, Indian Economic and Social History Review, No. 2, 1991. Also printed as Working Paper No. 233, Centre for Development Studies, Trivandrum, 1989.

1. D Rajasekhar. Decentralised Governance and Development in India. In D Rajasekhar (editor). Handbook of Decentralised Governance and Development in India, Routledge: Oxon, UK, 2022 (forthcoming).

2. D Rajasekhar and R Manjula. Deliberative Democracy through Grama Sabha: Progress and Issues. In D Rajasekhar (editor). Handbook of Decentralised Governance and Development in India, Routledge: Oxon, UK, 2022 (forthcoming).

3. D Rajasekhar. Capacity Development for Good Governance: Status, effectiveness and issues. In D Rajasekhar (editor). Handbook of Decentralised Governance and Development in India, Routledge: Oxon, UK, 2022 (forthcoming).

4. D Rajasekhar. Working of Decentralised Governance in Contemporary India. In D Rajasekhar, R Manjula and M Devendra Babu (editors). Decentralisation in Contemporary India: Status, Issues and the Way Forward. Routledge: Oxon, UK and New York, 2022 (forthcoming).

5. D Rajasekhar and R Manjula. Are citizens participating in Grama Sabha to improve service delivery? Evidence from Karnataka? In D Rajasekhar, R Manjula and M Devendra Babu (editors). Decentralisation in Contemporary India: Status, Issues and the Way Forward. Routledge: Oxon, UK and New York, 2022 (forthcoming).

6. D Rajasekhar and R Manjula. Decentralised delivery of school education: Evidence from Karnataka. In D Rajasekhar, R Manjula and M Devendra Babu (editors). Decentralisation in Contemporary India: Status, Issues and the Way Forward. Routledge: Oxon, UK and New York, 2022 (forthcoming).

7. D Rajasekhar. Concept and Theories of Social Innovation. In D Rajasekhar, R Manjula and T Paranjothi (eds). Cooperatives and Social Innovation: Experiences from the Asia Pacific Region, Springer, Singapore, 2020.

8. D Rajasekhar. Health Insurance as Social Innovation for Farmers in Cooperatives: Lessons from Yeshasvini in Karnataka, India. In D Rajasekhar, R Manjula and T Paranjothi (eds). Cooperatives and Social Innovation: Experiences from the Asia Pacific Region, Springer, Singapore, 2020.

9. D Rajasekhar. Role of Panchayats in the Delivery of Drinking Water and Sanitation Services. In D Rajasekhar, Devendra Babu and R Manjula (eds) Decentralisation, Cooperatives and Rural Development. Rawat: Jaipur (2020).

10. D Rajasekhar. Grama Panchayats, Cooperatives and Microfinance. In D Rajasekhar, Devendra Babu and R Manjula (eds) Decentralisation, Cooperatives and Rural Development. Rawat: Jaipur (2020).

11. Rajasekhar, D – ‘Decentralisation and Primary Education: Lessons from Sino-Indian Comparative Study’. In Gayithri K, N Sivanna and M Devendra Babu (eds), Decentralised Governance and Planning in India. New Delhi: Studium Press, 2020.

12. D Rajasekhar, Erlend Berg and R Manjula. Randomised Controlled Trials and Programme Evaluations: Our Experience and Lessons’ in N Jayaram (ed.) Knowing the Social World: Perspectives and Possibilities. Orient Blackswan, New Delhi, 2017.

13. D Rajasekhar, G Sreedhar, R Manjula, Narasimha Reddy and Biradar RR. Urban Governance and Delivery of Pensions: A Study of Urban and Rural Households in Selected Districts in Karnataka’, in Anil Kumar Vaddiraju, Satyanarayana Sangita and Kala Seetharam Sridhar (eds) Urban Governance in Karnataka and Bengaluru: Global Changes and Local Impacts Cambridge Scholars Publishing, New Delhi, 2016.

14. (Gita Sen and D Rajasekhar) ‘Social Protection Policies, Experiences and Challenges’. In R Nagaraj (ed.) Growth, Inequality and Social Development in India: Is Inclusive Growth Possible?, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.

15. (Rajasekhar D) ‘Organizing Practices and Coping Strategies of Agricultural Labourers: A Case of Mutah Labour in South India’, in Karsten Paerregaard and Neil Webster (eds.) The Byways of the Poor: Organizing Practices and Economic Control in the Developing World, Museum Tusculanum Press, Denmark, 2012.

16. (Rajasekhar D, R Manjula and Suchitra J Y) ‘Does Micro-Finance Reduce Vulnerability: A Study of Dalit Households in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu’, in N Jayaram and D Rajasekhar (eds.) Vulnerability and Globalisation: Perspectives and Analyses from India. Rawat Publications, Jaipur, 2012.

17. (Rajasekhar D) ‘Social Security for Unorganised Workers in India’, in N Jayaram and D Rajasekhar (eds.) Vulnerability and Globalisation: Perspectives and Analyses from India. Rawat Publications, Jaipur, 2012.

18. (Rajasekhar D) ‘Does Good Governance Work for Poverty Reduction at the Ground Level? A Study of Self-Help Groups in Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh’, in H S Shylendra (ed.) Challenges of Addressing Poverty and Inequality, Academic Foundation; New Delhi, 2009.

19. (D Rajasekhar and Suchitra J Y) ‘Micro-Finance Programmes and Vulnerability to Debt Bondage’, in Gopal K Kadekodi and Brinda Vishwanathan (eds.) Agricultural Development, Rural Institutions and Economic Policy, Oxford University Press; New Delhi, 2009.

20. (D Rajasekhar) ‘Globalization, Sustainability and Governance of NGO Programmes: Some Reflections on Micro-Finance Programmes from Kerala’, in Asok Kumar Sarkar (ed.) NGOs and Globalisation: Developmental and Organisational Facets, Rawat Publications, Jaipur, 2008.

21. (D Rajasekhar, J Y Suchitra, S Madheswaran and G K Karanth) ‘At Times When Limbs May Fail: Social Security for Unorganised Workers in Karnataka’, in Gopal K Kadekodi, Ravi Kanbur and Vijayendra Rao (eds.) Development in Karnataka: Challenges of Governance, Equity and Empowerment, Academic Foundation, New Delhi, 2008.

22. (D Rajasekhar and Namerta) ‘Social Security in Karnataka’, In Ulricke Maenner, Corinna Kusel and Ricarda Meissner (eds.) Social and Ecological Market Economy, GTZ, Eschborn, 2008.

23. (Suchitra J Y and D Rajasekhar) ‘Employment Insecurity: Evidence on Agricultural Labourers from Karnataka’, in Jayasheela and V Basil Hans (eds.) Rural Karnataka, Serials Publications, 2007.

24. (D Rajasekhar and Gagan Bihari Sahu) ‘Expansion at the Expense of Equity? Institutional Credit Flow to Agriculture in Karnataka’, in Jayasheela and V Basil Hans (eds.) Rural Karnataka, Serials Publications, 2007.

25. (D Rajasekhar and G Madhavi Latha) ‘People’s Participation in a World Bank Programme: A Study of Water Supply Schemes in Gulbarga, Karnataka’, in Jayasheela and V Basil Hans (eds.) Rural Karnataka, Serials Publications, 2007.

26. (D Rajasekhar and Sachidananda Satapathy) ‘SGSY Programme in India’, in C. Tisdell (ed.) Poverty, Poverty Alleviation and Social Disadvantage: Analysis, Case Studies and Policies, Serials publications, 2007.

27. (D Rajasekhar and R Manjula) ‘Voices of the Women Garment Workers’, in B C Prabhakar (ed.) Gender Sensitivity at Workplace, KEA and ILO, 2006.

28. (Suchitra J Y and D Rajasekhar) ‘Women Agarbathi Workers: Contributing a Lot but Obtaining Very Little’, in B C Prabhakar (ed.) Gender Sensitivity at Workplace, KEA and ILO, 2006.

29. (D Rajasekhar, R Manjula and K H Anantha) ‘Charges for Rural Drinking Water: Grama Panchayats in Karnataka’, in K V Raju (ed.) Elixir of Life: The Socio-Ecological Governance of Drinking Water, Books for Change, 2006.

30. (D Rajasekhar, Gagan Bihari Sahu and K H Anantha) ‘Rural-Urban Disparity in the Provision of Water Supply and Sanitation Services in Karnataka’, in K V Raju (ed.) Elixir of Life: The Socio-Ecological Governance of Drinking Water, Books for Change, 2006.

31. (D Rajasekhar and Gagan Bihari Sahu) ‘The Growing Rural-Urban Disparity: Some Issues’, in P N Sankaran and Ravikant Joshi (eds.) Towards Rural-Urban Partnership Development, SJCBA, Bangalore, 2006.

32. (D Rajasekhar) ‘Micro-Finance: A New Poverty Mantra’, in R Radhakrishna and Shovan Ray (eds.) Handbook of Poverty in India: Perspectives, Policies and Programmes, Oxford University Press, 2005.

33. (D Rajasekhar) ‘Micro-finance and Rural Non-farm Sector: Some NGO Experiences’, in Rohini Nayyar and Alakh N Sharma (eds.) Rural Transformation in India: The Role of Non-farm Sector, Institute for Human Development, New Delhi, 2005.

34. (D Rajasekhar) ‘Institutions of Development’ in M C Behera (ed.) Globalisation and Rural Development: Understanding New Development Paradigm, Commonwealth, New Delhi, 2005.

35. (D Rajasekhar and S Madheswaran). ‘Economic and Social Benefits of Micro-Finance Programmes’, in B B Bhattacharya and Arup Mitra (eds.) Studies in Macroeconomic and Welfare, Academic Foundation, New Delhi, 2005.

36. (D Rajasekhar) ‘Where Local Organisations do not work: Problems of Poverty Reduction in Tamil Nadu, India’, in Webster, N. and Engberg-Pedersen, L. (eds.) In the Name of the Poor: Contesting Political Space of Poverty Reduction, London: Zed Books, 2002.

37. (D Rajasekhar) ‘Impact of Micro Finance Programmes on Poverty and Gender Equality: Some Evidence from Indian NGOs’, , in Shahra Razavi (ed.) Shifting Burdens: Gender and Agrarian Change under Neoliberalism, Kumarian Press, Inc, 2002.

38. (D Rajasekhar) Rural Decentralisation in Kerala in World Bank, An Overview on Rural Decentralisation in India, 2000.

39. (D Rajasekhar) Rural Decentralisation in Karnataka in World Bank, An Overview on Rural Decentralisation in India, 2000.

40. (D Rajasekhar) ‘Use and Abuse of Chemical Fertilisers in a Resource Scarce Economy: Karnataka Province, India’, in G.A.A. Wossink, G.A. Van Kooten and G H Peters (eds.) Economics of Agro-Chemicals, Dartmouth, 1998.

41. (D Rajasekhar) ‘NGDOs, People and Decentralised Government in Karnataka’ in D Rajasekhar et al (eds.), People Centered Rural Development: NGDOs and Panchayat Raj Institutions, ISEC, CDR, BCO and NOVIB, 1995.

42. (D Rajasekhar and Lini R Nair) ‘NGDO Networks in Karnataka’, in D Rajasekhar et al (eds.), People Centered Rural Development: NGDOs and Panchayat Raj Institutions, ISEC, CDR, BCO and NOVIB, 1995

43. (D Rajasekhar) ‘Commercialisation of Agriculture in Kurnool District of Andhra Pradesh, c. 1900-1947’, S Bhattacharya, G N Rao, Sumit Guha, D Rajasekhar et al (eds), South Indian Economy c.1914-1947, Oxford University Press, 1991.

44. (G N Rao and D Rajasekhar) ‘Aspects of Agrarian Transition in the Telugu Countryside: A Study in Inter-regional Variations’, S Bhattacharya et al (eds.), South Indian Economy c.1914-1947, Oxford University Press, 1991.
45. (D Rajasekhar and Sachidananda Satapathy) ‘The Functioning of Grama Panchayats in Karnataka’ in T M Joseph (ed.) Local Governance in India: Ideas, Challenges and Strategies, Concept Publishing Company, 2007.

1. Mahima Upadhyay and D Rajasekhar. Decentralisation and People’s Participation in Educational Governance: A Review of International Experiences. ISEC Working Paper 480, 2020.

2. D Rajasekhar. Social Security for Unorganised Workers in India: Issues and Challenges, Centre for Social Studies, Surat, 2020.

3. D Rajasekhar, M Devendra Babu and R Manjula. Are Elections to Grama Panchayats Party-less? The Evidence from Karnataka, ISEC Working Paper 402, 2017.

4. D Rajasekhar, Salim Lakha and R Manjula. Is Decentralisation Promoting or Hindering the Effective Implementation of MGNREGS? The Evidence from Karnataka, ISEC Working Paper 395, 2017.

5. Erlend Berg, D Rajasekhar and R Manjula. Delivering Self-Targeted Welfare Using Mobile Phones, CSAE Working Paper WPS/2017-14. University of Oxford. 2017.

6. D Rajasekhar, Manjunath K S and R Manjula. Simplifying Delivery of Social Security Benefits in Karnataka. Indo-German Social Security Papers. GIZ, New Delhi, 2016.

7. (D Rajasekhar, Santosh Kesavan and R Manjula) Contributory Pension Schemes for the Poor: Issues and Ways Forward, ISEC Working Paper No. 377, ISEC, Bangalore.

8. (R Manjula and D Rajasekhar) Participation of Scheduled Caste Households in MGNREGS: Evidence from Karnataka, ISEC Working Paper No.339, ISEC, Bangalore, May 2015.

9. (Erlend Berg, Sambit Bhattacharyya, D Rajasekhar and R Manjula) Can Public Employment Scheme Increase Equilibrium Wages? Evidence from a Natural Experiment in India, CMPO Working Paper No.14/317, University of Bristol, UK, 2014.

10. (Erlend Berg, Maitreesh Ghatak, R Manjula, D Rajasekhar and Sanchari Roy) Motivating Knowledge Agents: Can Incentive Pay Overcome Social Distance?, CSAE Working Paper WPS/2013-06, University of Oxford, UK, 2013.

11. (D Rajasekhar, Salim Lakha and R Manjula) How effective are Social Audits under MGNREGS? Lessons from Karnataka, ISEC Working Paper 294, ISEC, Bangalore, 2013.

12. (Erlend Berg, Sambit Bhattacharya, D Rajasekhar and R Manjula) Can Rural Public Works Affect Agricultural Wages? Evidence from India, CSAE Working Paper WPS/2012-05, University of Oxford, UK, 2012.

13. (D Rajasekhar, Erlend Berg Maitreesh Ghatak, R Manjula and Sanchari Roy) Implementing Health Insurance for the Poor: The Rollout of RSBY in Karnataka, EOPP Working Paper No.25, London School of Economics, UK, 2011.

14. (D Rajasekhar) How to Strengthen Social Protection Coverage in India, ILO, Geneva, 2008.

15. (D Rajasekhar) Non-Agricultural Employment for Young Women in India: Status, Opportunities and Ways Forward, ISEC Working Paper Series, Working Paper No.170, 2006.

16. (D Rajasekhar and Suchitra J Y) Employment Security for the Unorganised Sector Workers in Karnataka, ISEC Working Paper Series, Working Paper No.169, 2006.

17. (Gagan Bihari Sahu and D Rajasekhar)‘Urban Bias in the Flow of Funds and Deposit Mobilisation: Evidence from Karnataka, India’Working Paper No.3, Centre for Social Studies, Surat, 2005.

18. (D Rajasekhar and Gagan Bihari Sahu) The Growing Rural-Urban Disparity: Some Issues, ISEC Working Paper Series, Working Paper No.156, 2004.

19. (D Rajasekhar) Micro-Finance and Poverty Alleviation Issues Relating to NGO Programmes in South India, ISEC Working Paper Series, Working Paper No.146, 2004.

20. (Gagan Bihari Sahu and D Rajasekhar) Credit Flow to Indian Agriculture: Trends and Contributing Factors, ISEC Working Paper Series, Working Paper No.116, 2002.

21. (D Rajasekhar and R R Biradar) People, Government and the NGOs, ISEC Working Paper Series, Working Paper No.114, 2002.

22. (D Rajasekhar) Action Research for Poverty Alleviation, ISEC Working Paper Series, Working Paper No.111, 2002.

23. (D Rajasekhar) Non-Governmental Organisations in India: Opportunities and Challenges, ISEC Working Paper Series, Working Paper No. 66, 2000.

24. (D Rajasekhar) Economic Programmes and Poverty Reduction: NGO Experiences from Tamil Nadu, ISEC Working Paper Series, Working Paper No. 76, 2000.

25. (D Rajasekhar) Private Financing Firms in Karnataka: A Boon for Tax Dodgers, Working Paper No.228, Centre for Development Studies, Trivandrum, 1988.

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